
Ways to break high metabolism?

I originally had problems with metabolism; all I did was eat my way through it. Keep eating, whenever you can, and try different ways of eating, like all day grazing, or couple hour gorge fests. Also make sure you eat a variety of food. After a while your metabolism should just give up, at least it did for me lol.

You could always find a feeder to help you too, non-creepers of course. smiley
13 years

Ways to break high metabolism?

AliceInWonderland wrote:
Heyy first of all don't feel like you are too skinny to be here, when you are big you will regret not taking pictures of what you used to look like because you'll have nothing to compare it tooo!

Best way to kill your metabolism is to not eat for a really long time then eat loads all at once then wait til you are starving again and eat loads and by loads I mean like 6000 calories.... you can do that throughout a day but you have to starve yourself the next day. I know that's really unhealthy advice but I'm not a doctor and it works, I can promise that lol.
Agree with's why dieters put on weight in the long run:the period of starvation sets alarm bells ringing in your body and when you eat again,you eat more as your body is afraid starvation might set in again and sends the message out to consume moresmileyBut don't try too hard..gaining should be fun:enjoy and try to eat a little more each daysmiley
13 years

Ways to break high metabolism?

My article "How to Get Fat" may help.
13 years

Ways to break high metabolism?

I heard food helps
13 years

Ways to break high metabolism?

joswitch wrote:
If you are dead set on gaining this anti-histimine - Periactin (Cyproheptadine) is sometimes prescribed as an appetite stimulant (as well as for allergies, see the wiki), it tends to make you sleep a lot too, so you'll probably gain plenty.

Has anyone tried this?
13 years