
Bigger moobs thru estrogen?

Hello, lately i've been contemplating buying estrogen cream to rub on my moobs, which I think in time will make them grow into more feminine breasts. What are all your thoughts? Should I go through with it?
13 years

Bigger moobs thru estrogen?

As long as you are willing to accept all the other side effcts, including being impotent, mood swings, hot flashes, blood clots, etc.
13 years

Bigger moobs thru estrogen?

There are estrogen creams meant to be absorbed through the skin, but it won't matter where you apply them. It goes into the bloodstream to be distributed all over. Also, estrogen in any form is hard to get without a prescription. Dangerous to use without medical oversight, blood testing. Bear in mind that estrogen will do other things to you, such as lower sex drive, and your moobs will become actual breasts with tender mammary tissue growing behind the nipples. Even if you lost the weight, the breasts would remain.
13 years