
Fat and height

It's not a big deal for me, except I don't really like a woman to be taller than me. (I'm 5'10"smiley
13 years

Fat and height

Jebus I feel like im the shortest guy on here. Im only 5'2. I never really had a preference in height though. My last ex was 5'10 and the first 2 were around 5'7. Would i like to somebody around my height? Sure but it doesn't always work out that way.
13 years

Fat and height

xMitsuki13x wrote:
Seeing as I'm only 5'2", I can't really picture myself with a really tall guy. My last boyfriend was 5'6" and I still found myself tiptoeing every once in a while trying to kiss him. Haha. My preference probs maxes out at 5'8". It's funny b/c I bet most would consider that short/average. smiley

If 5'8" is short I must be a midget! :O
13 years

Fat and height

I preferred taller women (I'm 5' 9"smiley, but most women want men taller than they are. I recently saw an ad for a woman who was 5' 2" and would not consider a man under 6'
13 years

Fat and height

xMitsuki13x wrote:
Maximum wrote:
xMitsuki13x wrote:
Seeing as I'm only 5'2", I can't really picture myself with a really tall guy. My last boyfriend was 5'6" and I still found myself tiptoeing every once in a while trying to kiss him. Haha. My preference probs maxes out at 5'8". It's funny b/c I bet most would consider that short/average. smiley

If 5'8" is short I must be a midget! :O

Lol. Oh sorry, Maximum. It just seemed like ppl think only like, 5'10 and up are "tall". Idk.
Why, how tall are you? 90% chance I think you're tall.

5'3", just taller then you lol smiley
13 years

Fat and height

im 6ft 3 nd about 38 stone, so theres quite a lot of me to go around. im quie interested in the idea of extreme opposites actually..
13 years

Fat and height

Im 5 foot 7 perhaps 5 foot 8, but all of this "I like taller men" talk from the ladies is making me self-conscious :-P

Where's the love for the average guys? haha

I don't have any preferences, really. I've dated as short as 5'2 and as tall as 5'10.
13 years

Fat and height

Slight preference for shorter women, but in the end it doesn't matter much.
13 years

Fat and height

Like em as round as they are tall?
13 years

Fat and height

Well I'm about 6 foot - so shorter is much more likely haha
13 years
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