
Low photo ratings.

Kid A wrote:
If someone posts a low rating then they are trying to be mean. The first time it happened to me it kind of hurt my feelings for a little bit. They are trying to be hurtful and that is immature and petty. I always preferred the philosophy if you have nothing nice to say then dont say anything at all, which in this case means dont post a low star or mean comment. Every other picture or video I post has one or more 1 star ratings. Hell it could be more often than every other video or picture. Wherever you go whatever you do online or offline you will have people who dont like you. That is sadly the truth. I bet there are many MANY MANY more people that do like you and knowing that is true for me makes it not bother me when I get low ratings. It is probably people that are jealous because you are beautiful or some of the crazier creepy stalker people that you wont give sexual attention too and you shouldn't give a shit what they think. This is going to sound kind of terrible and maybe arrogant but the most attractive and most active in forums, videos and picture posts generally "popular" people vert often get negative ratings, I know this is true for some of the guys at least. The more exposure you have on here the more opportunities you give people to find a reason to dislike you.

Try not to let it get you down.
^^ This i 100% agree with. Low ratings shouldnt bug you. If you like your own photo then thats what should keep you happy and not care what others rate you.
13 years

Low photo ratings.

Hahahahha dont worry at all it is
ALWAYS ALWAYS either of two types of people
1. guys that youve blocked or stopped talking to
2. jealous skanks

hahahaha true story
13 years

Low photo ratings.

As always, I agree with Kid A, she's a wise girl. I used to give a top rating to anyone who had a low rating at one time, but it can get rather time consuming, but I still do it at times. What often gets overlooked is the age of the person posting pictures.

I know when I was 18 my ego was very fragile. I took rejection rather badly, becoming more introverted and all the more awkward around girls that I fancied. When someone posting pics is young or new, negative comments, or ratings can make the person feel rejected, particularly if they have had negative comments made about their weight, shape or looks throughout school. It seems churlish to give out negativity and also destructive, as some new girls on here may feel that it's not worth bothering with.

When I was young I often felt unsure about my sexual desires. A site like this back then would have had such a positive impact on me that I could have been much more comfortable with my preferences. Peer pressure clearly has something to do with childish behavour from those that would rate low, but I also wonder whether some of these ratings are given by persons still firmly in the closet and not wishing to accept their real desires.
13 years

Low photo ratings.

You're obviously beautiful so I suspect that Layla's absolutely right (and it is what others have observed to me in their own case), namely the low ratings are from jealousy or from people you have ignored. Indeed, one might think that the pattern of very high ratings plus some low ratings was a measure of higher impact (on the grounds that some people are sufficiently affected by your beauty they want to down you). A clean sheet of perfection would mean you're no 'threat'. Here I display my greater nobility of spirit. I don't hold against you the fact that you have failed to send to me PMs full of yearning for my extreme age and clear anonymity. Each to their own, I say.

There are, of course, the delightful third category who, out of misplaced honesty perhaps (entertains the most charitable reading) are commenting on quality of pic rather than individual (e.g. lighting, camera angle, quality of digital camera, whether you have flashed enough of what makes them weak at the knees and so forth). I'll leave you to work out how best to track down, and ensnare, those enthusiasts for fine photography.
13 years

Low photo ratings.

@bbwildrose .. and that you are an excellent photographer and diplomat extraordinaire.

Rolls eyes.. always the negative <3
13 years

Low photo ratings.

They are called trolls. The same thing happens on sites like Youtube. People who have an agenda or nothing better to do go out of their way to dislike something. Pay no attention to them. Keep doing your thing smiley
13 years