
Feederism in the mainstream

More awareness among the population will be a mixed blessing most likely. It'll mean more trolls on feeding sites, simply because more people know about it. But it will also mean more sincere members. It could also lead to professionals trying to "fix" us though, kind of like they tried with the LGBT community at one point.

It's hard to say whether the net outcome will be good or bad.
13 years

Feederism in the mainstream

Does make me more optimistic about the whole subject. Dr Feeder made a simular post that was put onto the "Fat Liberation Forum". In that I said it would take decades to be accepted, maybe it will be quicker. I'd like to think so, as there aren't many people in the world who actually dislike eating. It's the fear of fat that makes people in society object to eating what they want. The more people who see this lifestyle can be positive the better, but it does need positive press.
13 years

Feederism in the mainstream

Im not ready to be fixed!
13 years

Feederism in the mainstream

If it is I'm gladsmiley
Chat Magazine has a three page spread on Susanne Eman (Celestial Bombshell)who has been on here from time to timesmiley
Unfortunately,all the usual anti-fat comments on the magazine's Facebook pagesmiley
13 years

Feederism in the mainstream

Kid A wrote:
So this weekend I am being interviewed by a friend who posts on a Eden Fantasy. She has proposed to the moderators to do a two part interview/article/series (the exact formate is still in the making) on feederism with me being the subject and she's gotten enthusiastic approval. It is an online sex toy shop with customer reviews, blogs, forums, articles interviews etc. etc. I think more publicity is great. My contribution is small and still quite anonymous but I agree with most other comments, having more people know we exist, if not understand us, is going to help with tolerance and acceptance. I think even a bad horror movie on our fetish is better than no movie. If its starts cropping up in the fringes of mainstream society it will likely just increase in its visibility. It has to start somewhere...

That's great, thanks for doing that. Maybe you can get them to carry Feederism-related sex toys, though I'm not sure what they would be! Funnels? Tubes? Milkshake bongs?
13 years

Feederism in the mainstream

Actually if you google "feederism" MOST of the references are mainstream, or at least not from feederism sites.

Of course, they're not all positive.
13 years

Feederism in the mainstream

Plethora wrote:
I know locally amongst the gay male crowd it's well known and common, but not so much for everyone else. I don't mind it becoming more mainstream. It means more larger people. smiley

And people getting larger! smiley
12 years

Feederism in the mainstream

I don't really like seeing it in the media because most of the time it's negative, and I don't believe misinforming people about feederism is any better than them not knowing about it. A lot of people don't think for themselves and believe what they are told. It's hard enough to proclaim and defend your love/pride of your fat body with all of the prejudice regarding fat, let alone go into feederism.

From what I've seen, only extreme cases are shown in the media, and the writer tends to imply that the feedee has either been manipulated, is deluded or is mentally ill ("reverse anorexia"]. Another type of article I've seen are from non-feedee women who talk about their exs fattening them up, which implies that all feeding is a type of abuse, ignoring consensual feeding.

I'd love to read something that is positive, and from a feedees perspective. I think I've only read one article like this, and for the first time I was very happy to see it in the media!
12 years

Feederism in the mainstream

I think it's important to distinguish between fat admiration and feederism. I'm sure that fat admiration will become more and more accepted... in many ways it's already pretty mainstream. There are songs about it, and it's generally acceptable for a guy to "dig fat chicks" even if he might get a bit of stick for it. I imagine it's probably harder being fat, but then increasingly you'd have the weight of numbers on your side (pun clearly intended!).

Feederism is altogether different, though. Some fetishes are always likely to be seen as rather dark, and I suspect feederism will fall in this category. A fetish doesn't have to be understood to be accepted - I don't get foot fetishes, for example - but it does need to be seen as benign. Feederism is seen as inherently destructive - after all, fat is bad for your health, apparently.

Yes, there are misconceptions of control, manipulation and mental illness which cloud the matter too. But ultimately I think the fact that gaining weight can be bad for health, particularly when combined with the common preference for extreme unfitness, will keep feederism from ever being truly accepted. Heck, I have the fetish and still struggle with this issue, so heaven knows how someone who can't experience it will come to accept it.
12 years