
Gaining weight , piece of cake

Ok so lots of people have messaged me and asked how i gained all my weight so i thought if i just quickly wrote it here they would see

smoking weed and drinking makes you hungry and not care so much about the quality or even taste of food and when you get full if u have another bong you can finish it usually

cram as much in your mouth in 20 minutes and keep going cuz ur stomach doesnt register its full

wake up in the morning and dont eat anything until at night and then just binge on all the worst foods imaginable

kfc, macass, bk, pizza, pasta, garlic bread, chinese, fish n chips all takeaway i have them atleast twice a day usually

Just drink coke and juice all the time

make a milkshake of weight gain powder, full cream milk and full fst icecream and drink before bed

alwasys have chips and easy to eat snacks with you when like watching tv or on the computer because ull mindlessly eat them all

always only have nice unhealthy food in your house but make sure u eat heaps of fruit otherwist to be ***ing frank youll be back up ay ..gross and no one wants to drnk prune juice bleugh

have like the worst portion control ever like bake or buy a cake or donuts whatever really and trick yourself into eating it by like only having one slice and then thinking in ur head ' no no i cant have any more we need to save it' and then if your like me throughout the day you will keep sneaking over there and slicing tiny bit off until theres like one slice left snd then you think well might as well eat that so then you dispose of all rubbish and wash the dishes so mum doesnt tell you off hahahahhaha

or is that just me ......

hhaha mm and do like no exercise
13 years

Gaining weight , piece of cake

That's beautiful! Can I use it on my site??
13 years

Gaining weight , piece of cake

Layla you have had a fabulous gain in the last year. And you are not alone. There have been several ladies who have had wonderful transformations. It is one of the best 12 months I can recall on FF!
Is there a chance that you might be getting ready for another big gain in the next few months. If not. If you're just going with the flow and taking on whatever pounds come your way.Well that would be great. You look absolutely Magnificent if you never gain another pound-or Kilo.
And if you are going to gain at a quick pace again. Well I'm pretty sure that it would be Very Well Received here on FF! Thanks for just being You. You're Terrific. smiley
13 years

Gaining weight , piece of cake

She did let me use it on my site btw:
13 years

Gaining weight , piece of cake

I agree with Jazzman, this has been a great year so far and your tips Layla are excellent for those with trouble gaining. It does seem that FF is getting a lot more popular in the last year with real gainers, certainly loads of positive results and a more positive vibe around the site. As for you Layla it's hard to know where it will end, you are awesome in every way.
13 years

Gaining weight , piece of cake

Hahah thanks guys, I hope it helps those that keep messaging me asking for my tips hahaha
and Yes I do plan to gain more, ive been trying my hardest and eating more than ever before hehe
13 years