
Drinking olive oil to gain

ThatGuyWithTheHair wrote:
Heavy cream's much better in coffee than straight. It tastes kind of weird by itself IMO.

I think drinking half-coffee, half-cream would be a tastier and less intense way to get it in you than chugging it straight.

Two cups of that should use one small carton of cream anyway, so you'll still get plenty.

I've done this, it's freaking delicious with liberal amounts of sugar thrown in.
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

anonymizleness wrote:
So I've decided to go for Ben and Jerry's chugging for the weight gain.

I'd love to know which of the flavors of Ben&Jerry's has the fewest "solids" in it. Like chocolate fudge has little chunks of fudge. So I'd love a flavor with no solids for easy chugging.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated smiley


I can't think of a flavor of Ben and Jerry's that doesn't have any solids in it right off the top of my head. But in Brownie Cheesecake *Cheesecake Brownie?* the brownie bits in it are very soft and would probably be reduced to something very easily swallowed if you put it in a blender.
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

B&J's is awesome but expensive. You can try their Cake Batter flavor, though, if you're really set on having them- that doesn't have any solid chunks in it.

I'd recommend another brand. You can get a half-gallon of stuff for less than the price of a pint of B&J's most of the time.
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

It's kind of a catch-22 there though. B&J's is like the most fattening brand of ice cream I've ever seen, but it's also the most expensive.

Recently I actually bought a whole gallon of a generic brand vanilla ice cream for only $1.50 more than a one pint portion of B&J's...that being said if I had the cash I'd choose B&J's every time cause it's the best tasting *and most fattening <,< lol*.
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

I'd stick with the B&J, I think it would be healthier then the butter.

Of course though, butter would be smoother and easier to consume in large amounts.

Guess you gotta decide which is more important, a fast or a healthy gain.
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

anonymousness wrote:
Thx a ton for the info I'll definitely look into it.

very interesting ^^
aaand i Will be very curious about some sexy results ;-) beautiful one ^^
12 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

I recognize that this is kind of an old thread, but since it is related, it seems like as good of a place as any to post about my own oil drinking experiment.

Long before discovering feedism communities online, I had tried consuming straight vegetable oil and spoonsful of vegetable shortening with the obvious intent, and the results of each were.... unpleasant enough that I was reluctant to give it another go until recently.

I used the old maus mix recipes, that called for using soy lecithin as emulsifier to mix oil into other liquids as a starting point.

I've done 3 different tests so far. The recipe I used called for 2 Tbsp oil and 1 Tbsp lecithin mixed in a single serving beverage.

This is the single serving alternative to the core recipe that called for 4 teaspoons of liquid lecithin with one cup of oil and one cup of milk to be used as a base to be mixed with milkshakes.

On my first attempt, I mixed 2 Tbsp vegetable oil and and 1 Tbsp of liquid lecithin into a glass of cola, and drank it down quickly.

I didn't know what to expect, so I tried it on an empty stomach in case it forced it's way back up. There was a definite vegetable oil taste, and it was kind of lumpy going down. My stomach was kind of unsettled for about an hour afterward, but I did not feel nausea. (I believe the lumpyness was undissolved lecithin, but I'll get to that in a bit. )

My second attempt was with a large cup of coffee that I had already sweetened with artificial sweetener. (Sugar in my coffee tends to leave me with a bad after taste).

This time, I used canola oil, and there was very little oily flavor. I also drank this down fast on an empty stomach, but this time kind of gagged on the lumpy bits. My stomach was once again unsettled, but I was not nauseous, and it took about another hour for my stomach to settle down.

I made my third test after eating a regular meal, since I had already established that it probably wasn't going to cause me to throw up.

This time I used the same 2/1 Tbsp ratio of canola oil and lecithin with coffee sweetened with sugar. The reason for the real sugar this time, is that the mix of sugar, insulin, and fat circulating in your bloodstream, the body tends to want to shuttle the fat into fat cells while burning the sugar for energy.

( It's a bit more complicated than that, and the additional sugar was probably an unnecessary step, because I had just eaten. ...but the gist is carbs+fats = insulin spike that leads to insulin shuttling circulating blood fats into fat cells... but I'm not a dr, so treat what I have to say with suspicion, and use it as a starting point for your own research, instead of taking it at face value. )

On the 3rd test, I examined my drink more closely when I couldn't get the lumps to dissolve. The oil itself seemed to be fully emulsified in the coffee. The lumps were a brownish waxy substance that seemed like it might be undissolved lecithin that had clumped together.

I removed the lumps with a spoon, and drank the coffee-canola oil mix down. It went down easily, with almost zero oily taste to, and no stomach upset afterward.

The lumpy substance I removed seemed to have a little less than the volume of 1 Tbsp.

I did some additional digging afterward, but couldn't find a definitive answer as to the oil to lecithin ratio needed to emulsify oil in a water based liquid. The closest I found was a reference to using 1 Tbsp lecithin per 1 cup of oil as an emulsifier for cannabis oil.

It's a good start, but I'm not quite sure when I'll do more testing. a side note... With the canola mix, I seemed to notice a fairly rapid addition of fluffy subcutaneous fat, but that could just be wishful thinking.
9 years
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