
So who is actually gaining weight here?

208 and counting!!!
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

I am, and I love it
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

Yeah !! me too have some weeks off and try to eat a little more and see the changes after 3 weeks of beeing lazy and eating too much .....

but a little encouragement won´t hurt lol^^
weight now 90kg
after 95kg-99kg
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

Lady BBW is, wow, what a sexy belly! Man!
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

I used to gain actively, or at least somewhat actively. I loved it and gained about 35 pounds. Then I decided to stop trying to gain, just eat what I want and see what happens, but I've lost about 30 pounds since then smiley. Would love to start gaining again, but I need to sort out my private life a bit first ...
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

fatgirl19x wrote:
im gaining weight, last january was around 180. now im 289, and im still shocked about it.

If you have pictures from all along the journey-You will be Very popular here for sure! Welcome!
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

fatgirl19x wrote:
im gaining weight, last january was around 180. now im 289, and im still shocked about it.

109 lbs gained in 8 months? Over 13 lbs a month? Is that even possible? If so, do tell! And some before and after comparison pic are always welcome.
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

Hi, that would be me! I have been gaining since 2005 and I've gone from 240 to about 380 - but it has been a long road from here to there. In the last few months I have been trying a little harder and it's beginning to show - I started the year around 355 so I've been doing very well.
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

lovelydove wrote:
Im also a gainer. Ive gone from 183 in January to about 224 right now. Next goal to reach is 250. smiley

Like it to read about your lovely gain. Where are most of your new fat on your body? Do you've a lovely full and round tummy? And your butt? I am curious! <3 Henk
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

I'm gaining too but hesitant. I love food and eating and would love to indulge without restraint. Family pressure and health don't let me give in so while i gain a little I then lose it.

I've only gone up some 25 lbs since maybe 2006 - 2007, usually going up over holidays and Xmas, then down again as I busy with different things.

This year I decided to lose and went down from 180 at the end of January (my highest ever) to 160 3 weeks ago with gym and more careful eating.

My mum in law just came for 2 weeks and she can COOK and is very generous with portions! so i weighed 174 this morning, and had to use my fat suit (38"smiley...

as usual i'm caught at I'd love to just blow up completely but don't dare to. no idea where this will end but nature usually wins...
13 years
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