
Fattening jobs

Jobs where you're standing or walking a lot are generally not good for fat people. Lot of wear and tear on the knees, ankles, lower back, etc.
13 years

Fattening jobs

13 years

Fattening jobs

It also depends on how you get to your job. Before I had a car I lost over 100lbs and ever since I'm driving I've gained it back plus extra.
13 years

Fattening jobs

I have written several stories about gaining in the work place. I have at least two about working in a bakery and gaining.
In one story, I have the protangonist deliberating gaining by working a shift in a donut shop, the lunch shift at a hamburger joint and then the evening shift at a pizza parlor. Needless to say he gains a ton!
But in reality, I volunteered for our daughters school at a major league baseball park. At the end of a home stand, we had completly clean out the softsever ice cream dispenser, pop corn, etc. Several of the kids who also volunteered would fill paper hot dog trays with ice cream and eat it, as well as pop corn too. I even wrote a story about this issue called the "Spoilage Trap", about a young couple who become obese eating spoilage from their jobs at a food stand at a baseball park.
Just thought I would throw this out!
Ned Fox
13 years

Fattening jobs

For the past few years Ive worked at a fast food place where we can get free food after each shift. Works pretty well smiley
13 years

Fattening jobs

I worked at Chik-Fil-A and we always got free meals that had to add up to like $6.75 but then we got half off on top of that for anything else we wanted. After two years of workig there I gained about 30-40 pounds because I kept buying desert and nuggets! smiley
13 years

Fattening jobs

I used to work at a Little Chef (a UK motor way cafe chain) and as a Waitress i could have anything off the menu I fancied for my lunch break apart from the expensive stuff like steaks or the huge full english breakfasts. Even though I cycled to work everyday (3 miles ish) and being on my feet for the 8 hour shifts I still put on weight whilst working there due to my (normal sized) full english breakfast every lunch. Sooo yummy
13 years

Fattening jobs

I work in a fast food place. I gotta say it is pretty awesome smiley
13 years

Fattening jobs

kassandra wrote:

Oh my God! I need to work their with you? Are they hiring? I can be that "thin bitch" that all the other girls hate and tease. They will over order me food on break and make me eat it, I will slightly reluctantly. But then I will will start to expect it and they start to really like it. All of you can't wait until break to stuff Kassandra. One day while all the mean girls were feeding me, you always stood in the back and watched longingly from a distance. Suddenly, the button on my tight pants flew off on my belly burst out. You couldn't contain yourself any more and ran up to where I was sitting, pushed the other girls out of the way, and started stuffing more fries, burgers, shakes and tator tots down my mouth. Before you know it, the buttons across my breasts explode off and my boobs rest on top of my belly, but you girls can't stop feeding me (your chubby bellies jiggling with delight). Soon the boss comes back and breaks up the commotion. He calls me into his office and tells me to go home for the day, try to recover and come back in the morning. As I'm walking out the door he hands me a little bit larger uniform and gives me an innocent smile. I love this place!

My god! You are my hero! Awesome response.
13 years

Fattening jobs

kassandra wrote:
bah525 wrote:
I currently work at a burger joint. Before, during or after our shifts we get 50% off anything on the menu. almost every girl who works there starts off just ordering salads, but eventually they all give into the good smelling, greasy, fattening burgers, fries, onion rings, and chili cheese dogs. the uniform shirts for the girls are fairly short and once the girls have eaten well for a few weeks, their shirts start creeping further and further up. most girls cover it up by tying their aprons a little higher and wearing a long tank top underneath. just a few weeks after that, they can't do anything to hide their muffin tops forming from their bodies responding to all the fattening foods. you can see them in the back tugging at their pants, trying desperately make their new fatter hips stay out of sight. as soon as they start walking away, though, their pants settle back to show their sexy new muffin top. most of the girls hang out with each other after work too. they do nothing but drink at the bar at the chain restaurant across the street and eat that restaurant's greasy, fattening foods. they go to the bars on the weekends and drink as much as possible, then go to waffle house after. most girls work out to keep themselves from getting any bigger, but there are a few that dont. after they've been working there for at least over a year, these few girls have pronounced bellies now. they may have bought a new size or two up in clothes, but their fat still spills over their pants a little. you can see their breasts now overflowing from their bras, even under their uniform shirt and undershirt. their thighs rub together and they can't keep up with the fast paced environment of our restaurant as well. their arms are thicker, and when they lean against the counter, you can tell none of that thickness is at all muscle. they order more food for their shift meal now, and immediately run to the back to gobble it up, instead of waiting for a longer period of free time like all the other servers do.

Oh my God! I need to work their with you? Are they hiring? I can be that "thin bitch" that all the other girls hate and tease. They will over order me food on break and make me eat it, I will slightly reluctantly. But then I will will start to expect it and they start to really like it. All of you can't wait until break to stuff Kassandra. One day while all the mean girls were feeding me, you always stood in the back and watched longingly from a distance. Suddenly, the button on my tight pants flew off on my belly burst out. You couldn't contain yourself any more and ran up to where I was sitting, pushed the other girls out of the way, and started stuffing more fries, burgers, shakes and tator tots down my mouth. Before you know it, the buttons across my breasts explode off and my boobs rest on top of my belly, but you girls can't stop feeding me (your chubby bellies jiggling with delight). Soon the boss comes back and breaks up the commotion. He calls me into his office and tells me to go home for the day, try to recover and come back in the morning. As I'm walking out the door he hands me a little bit larger uniform and gives me an innocent smile. I love this place!

Awesome use of imagination!
13 years