
How does a fat fetish develop?

Bubba Jay wrote:
Being a FA isent a fetish...its a preference

Preference=Fetish they are both just words, the meaning behind the word is the same.
13 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

Kandyco wrote:
Bubba Jay wrote:
Being a FA isent a fetish...its a preference

Preference=Fetish they are both just words, the meaning behind the word is the same.

Except not. There's a pretty distinct difference between someone who prefers to have a fat partner and someone who requires a fat partner to be sexually satisfied.

In my opinion, FA can mean both, since FA is a term that shouldn't have the baggage and bullshit that's so often attached to it. An FA is someone who is interested in a fat partner. This covers the broad spectrum, I think, of interest, from preference (I just like it better) to what could be considered a sexuality (I just don't get aroused by thin partners) to fetish (fat partners get me SO HOT) to fixation (I'm sorry, I totally ignored everything going on just then because oh god fat).
13 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

Hindenpeter wrote:
I would have to say that one of my earliest memories was watching a betty bop cartton and when she was using the exercise belt that jiggles the fat away it caused her to become massive and i've been after fat girls ever since.

I know the one you mean, made a huge impression on me too that cartoon did.

The best part is that they both found it so hilarious, rather than freaking out about suddenly gaining hundreds of pounds. LOL
13 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

Murphy wrote:
Kandyco wrote:
Bubba Jay wrote:
Being a FA isent a fetish...its a preference

Preference=Fetish they are both just words, the meaning behind the word is the same.

Except not. There's a pretty distinct difference between someone who prefers to have a fat partner and someone who requires a fat partner to be sexually satisfied.

In my opinion, FA can mean both, since FA is a term that shouldn't have the baggage and bullshit that's so often attached to it. An FA is someone who is interested in a fat partner. This covers the broad spectrum, I think, of interest, from preference (I just like it better) to what could be considered a sexuality (I just don't get aroused by thin partners) to fetish (fat partners get me SO HOT) to fixation (I'm sorry, I totally ignored everything going on just then because oh god fat).

This, definitely. smiley
13 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

Kandyco wrote:
Bubba Jay wrote:
Being a FA isent a fetish...its a preference

Preference=Fetish they are both just words, the meaning behind the word is the same.

I disagree. A fetish is a love for an object or situation, such as shoes or hanging upside down from a rope in latex or something. Therefor feederism is a fetish.

An orientation is the preference you cannot hide from so to speak. A preference is like a sublevel: liking blondes or fatties.
13 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

I think that it depends on why you prefer a fat partneer,like those that just like the look better or the softness in bed or that they usually have like better bums and boobs, that is a preference

but those that are like me and get turned on by the actual physical adipose tissue and everything to do with it is a fetish.
13 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

Layla wrote:
I think that it depends on why you prefer a fat partneer,like those that just like the look better or the softness in bed or that they usually have like better bums and boobs, that is a preference

but those that are like me and get turned on by the actual physical adipose tissue and everything to do with it is a fetish.

Agreed! Allthough I consider myself belonging to the first.
13 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

Murphy wrote:
Kandyco wrote:
Bubba Jay wrote:
Being a FA isent a fetish...its a preference

Preference=Fetish they are both just words, the meaning behind the word is the same.

Except not. There's a pretty distinct difference between someone who prefers to have a fat partner and someone who requires a fat partner to be sexually satisfied.

In my opinion, FA can mean both, since FA is a term that shouldn't have the baggage and bullshit that's so often attached to it. An FA is someone who is interested in a fat partner. This covers the broad spectrum, I think, of interest, from preference (I just like it better) to what could be considered a sexuality (I just don't get aroused by thin partners) to fetish (fat partners get me SO HOT) to fixation (I'm sorry, I totally ignored everything going on just then because oh god fat).

Dude, sometimes you just type pure gold. This should be in a dictionary or something.
13 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

I don't know how it develops, but I do believe it indeed stems from some childhood experience, whatever that may be. I have been attracted to fat since I was a child. I also often use the comparison with homosexuality because it is something most people understand. If you tell someone you are only attracted to big women, they may think that you are a superficial person who only goes by looks (a bit the opposite of the men who only want a skinny girl friend). I use the homosexuality parallel to explain to people that I didn't choose my fat preference just like a gay man doesn't choose to be attracted by men only.

I have been an FA since I was a child and I am sure this will never change.
13 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

I think all view point here have value, as a fat fetish is a very subjective matter. Personally, my development has graduated gradually from fancying slim girls when in my teens, but also liking slightly chubby girls. Even with the slim girls, it was always their more wobbly bits that turned me on. Then gradually as I got older liking fatter and fatter girls. At present I have a preference ranging from slightly chubby to supersized. Never thought it would go that far, but I find fat really addictive.

I have always been a sucker for is a pretty face and in my experience fatter girls have prettier and friendlier faces. As for wanting girls to gain, this has been with me since my teens for sure. As for why? I have thought about this for quite some time. I would say that a great many people have this preference in them (many more than would realise), but that most subdue this preference due to the media and peer pressure. If you have a more leftfield personality and have had very little negative reinforcement reguarding fat, then I think this preference will develop more naturally. More often than not it was fatter girls that I would get on best with, or would hit on me, thus I had plenty of positive reinforcement to help my preferences.

With so many more people in the western world getting fatter, there will be more positive and less negative reinforcement. When children see their mothers having good sex lives and still being very attractive to their sexual partners, this can only have a more positive effect. I'm sure that my mum's weight gain must have had a positive effect, as she was still attractive to the opposite sex. Also when my parents split, my dad married a chubby woman.
13 years
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