
Embarrassing secret?

When I was little my mother tells me that I used to put on my older sister's Tie-Dye dress and say I was Dorothy Gale...
13 years

Embarrassing secret?

I don't really have one anymore since i found this site. smiley
13 years

Embarrassing secret?

yeah, I think this was my embarressing secret lol

... used to watch charmed, does that count?
13 years

Embarrassing secret?

haha nice one Ariday

Once I got locked in a bathroom and thought I'd be there forever (I was young) and tears may've been involved.

5 minutes later, the door opens and I was like "so... yeah, whatever" haha
13 years

Embarrassing secret?

Another couple of things; I once got stuck in my little sister's closet when I thought it would be a good idea to hide in there and try to scare her...took me like 10 minutes to get out *this was recently...*

And when I was a teen I managed to tear my shirt into three pieces while being a tard in a little grove of apple trees behind my grandma's house...
13 years

Embarrassing secret?

Msprettypanties wrote:
weird things turn me on. Like men who know the difference between your and you're.

the first shows a possession of "you"

the second is a shortening of "you are"

I can also do "there", "they're", "their" and "where", "we're", "were"

13 years

Embarrassing secret?

I was using the dryer for the first time, I was very young, and I asked if I had to put a dryer sheet in it. My friend looked at me and said very seriously yes! Other wise is will blow up. For a few seconds I believed her.
13 years

Embarrassing secret?

one time I was at Alton Towers (UK theme park) and I was at their pool.

They've got this like rubber ring slide where the water carries you up and down.

I was going up the up bit, then stopped and went down - the water wasn't carrying me over smiley
embarrassing Before I got on, this over guy got stuck similarly, and the attendant had to got help him - which I thought looked so embarrassing and how I'd hate to need help.

So to stop the guy coming down, I like pulled myself up with the netting that was on the open air sections
13 years

Embarrassing secret?

Oh man i wonder why i didnt see this thread sooner.Ive had quite a few of them.

-Ripping my pants while climbing over my neighbors fence to get a ball.

-At my communion I was standing on top on one of the long high chairs thanking everyone for coming and fell off as I turned to come down.

-Getting flagged on top of a pool ladder

-Getting flagged in gym class on the football field.

-My personal favorite. Getting sent home from camp when i was 13 to find out my parents had checked my comp to see that i had pictures of a naked Kelligrl. Not surprisingly enough i asked to keep them. You can figure out the answer to that smiley
13 years

Embarrassing secret?

Robbie wrote:
Oh man i wonder why i didnt see this thread sooner.Ive had quite a few of them.

-Ripping my pants while climbing over my neighbors fence to get a ball.

God, I've ripped more pairs of jeans than I care to many torn pants. smiley
13 years