
Confused :s

All I have to say is if your friends would give you a hard time for dating a fat girl then they're lousy friends. And you'd best kick them to the curb.

I'll leave you with a quote that I feel has particular significance here.

Be who you are and say what you feel. Because those that matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter.
--Dr. Seuss
13 years

Confused :s

I'll just say that 'friends' like that can come and go, but love can be eternal. Remember that before bowing to their foolish views.
13 years

Confused :s

"Why would you NOT be attracted to big ladies?" Pure preference. I know many guys who like the little girl look (I.e. small breasts, petite frame, etc.) Why does someone like chocolate more than vanilla? They just do. Sometimes you can't explain why. Though, I can say why I prefer fat ladies. It's the whole look and feel of the body smiley
13 years