
Looking into christianity?

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13 years

Looking into christianity?

To me, all the fantastical things described in the Bible likely recount actual events. But these have all been filtered through the lens of the human mind. Many dozens of times. Translated and retranslated over and over again.

The entirety of the bible is subject to the fallibility and prejudice of man. This is what I believe engendered the verses like Leviticus 20:13, not the will of God. And the Old testament was violent because, in my opinion, God was learning. Some of the bible I believe can be trusted as it is written, such as the part about there being nothing before God created the Universe. So he had no prior knowledge of how to discipline naughty children *which is what we amount to sometimes.* And you have to realize that in the eyes of an Eternal God, who had indeed created humans in his image with an eternal aspect *the soul*, wouldn't see death as a severe punishment. But none of that really matters anymore with the coming of Christ and the New Covenant. Which I've come to realize may have been an epiphany of sorts for God.

*not exactly on topic with what I was talking about but I feel it needs to be said*

And as to the "young earth" concept...there is a bible verse that explains the irrelevence of time to the Divine.

Psalm 90:4 For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.

This one verse suggests to me that the notion that God created the Universe in 7 literal days would be inaccurate. More likely the creation of the Universe took incalculable eons *much as science now believes* and it was represented to the Prophets in a way that they would understand. And that being days.

But I digress. I'm a Christian and I was raised a Christian my whole life. I have found strength in my faith in times of weakness or stress. And while I am a Christian I don't care much for organized religion. Though religion in and of itself is not a bad thing.

However, you have to make this choice on your own. All I can do here, or anyone else for that matter, is give you all the information you need.

Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Which says to me we all need to come of our own accord, with wonder and hope in our hearts.

No one can make you believe, only you can do that.
13 years

Looking into christianity?

Belladonna wrote:
Hey Bubba, if you're feeling generally unhappy in life and are looking for a magic wand to fix it, I don't think that any religion can do that.

what she said. Belladonna, your as smart as they come.

To each his or her own of course. If finding a form of spiritual release is the thing for you, then by all means go for it. But if you look for happiness in religion, be wary of the promises they tend to make about the afterlife.
13 years

Looking into christianity?

Wannabe Princess wrote:
I would never say not to do something if it is going to make you happy, but I think you need to think about what is making you unhappy first.
I don't however you should be Christian (or any other religion) just BECAUSE you THINK it will make you happy, you need to be part of a religion because you think/feel/know it is right for you.

Hope that makes sense

Debz x

I couldn't have said it better!
13 years

Looking into christianity?

Belladonna wrote:
GeneralSirReaper wrote:
This has possibly/probably already been said. I haven't read the whole thread. But I think it bears re-iterating. True happiness can only come from within. So by all means, if you think taking up religion will make you happy, take it up. BUT, don't expect it to be a magic cure all solution to instant life changing happiness. No one thing will lead to a happy life. Its the component parts, the people, things etc we surround ourselves with.

Couldn't agree more that happiness comes from many areas Reaper!

Though in my humble opinion, no one should ever join a religion because they think it will make them happy, but ONLY because they truly believe the message and teachings of that religion and want to live their life in accordance with those teachings.

I don't pretend to be an expert in what makes people happy and it varies for us all anyway. Good friends and family, living in a beautiful area and having a job I like makes me happy. I've also learned to find pleasure in simple things, such as sleeping in freshly washed sheets, a gorgeous sunset on the drive home, a bath with my favorite bath oils, a new book from the library and english breakfast tea in my vintage handpainted teacup with a couple of expensive chocolates from the posh chocolatier in town.

The biggest thing though, is that I'm happy in my own skin. It took a long time for me to accept myself for the person I am but now that I have, life is good. I am happy smiley

I couldn't have said it better myself. Choosing to take on a religion is not something to dive into headlong without any reflection. It's something that needs to be contemplated and prayed *or meditated* on.

And to Bubba, I hope you find what you're looking for whatever your decision ends up being.
13 years

Looking into christianity?

JustinNasty wrote:
just being me wrote:
I believe in a supreme being or more accurately beings but although im christian i dont really believe in god etc because too much happened before he supposedly arrived on the scene...

I read this and HAD to toss out there that this is a super contradicting sentence lol

You cant be Christian and believe in multiple gods.

You cant be Christian and not believe in god at all.

So your either a Christian, an Athiest, or in a multiple deity religion haha

Or rather a Monotheist, such as a Christian, as there are two other prominent Monotheistic religions and probably some lesser known ones too.
13 years

Looking into christianity?

I'm not religious because I care whether or not my beliefs are true. That being said, if you feel like religion brings you some sort of comfort, I say go for it. Just don't expect others to believe it unless you can back it up with evidence.
13 years

Looking into christianity?

well I'm a chirstian and it works for me - though not to say it does for all
13 years

Looking into christianity?

ItsMeGod wrote:
I'm an atheist, so I'll get that out of the way. I was a Christian earlier in life, then an agnostic in denial for several years.

There's no magic bullet to happiness. And most religions require some degree of sacrifice. Your life will change if you make a commitment to a religion, and that may not always mean welcome or happy changes. However, it may give you a sense of meaning and satisfaction.

We all have different priorities and needs in life - some need or want religion and some don't.

I think it's worth it regardless to examine your own life. Do you need a sense of purpose? Get involved with a charitable organization, volunteer at a soup kitchen, something.

Talk to credit counselors and find ways to get out of debt. Go out and meet new friends - through sites online or just ask your friends to introduce you to some people they know. Family, too.

To find happiness, I think it's really important to identify the sources that are making you unhappy first. If you genuinely believe in a God, Jesus, what have you, make a go of joining a religion.

But getting involved in a religion if you can't or just don't believe in it is just asking for trouble.

"And most religions require some degree of sacrifice." That seems to be the underlying theme of all of them, mainly the Abrahamic faiths. Sacrifice pleasure in the here and now, and you will be rewarded after death. Also, you must believe claims that have absolutely no evidence to back them up.
13 years

Looking into christianity?

*sighs* Shutting this.
13 years