
Fattest of your friends/family

I'm from a large-ish family, but I'm definitely the biggest by something on the order of 200lbs higher than my nearest contender *blood relatives*. I have one Uncle who married into the family who I may only outweigh by 100lbs.

Of my friends I'm definitely the biggest there too. In fact I've only met one person IRL who might have been bigger than me. And that was at my highest weight.
13 years

Fattest of your friends/family

well, at 24 stone, (336 pounds) I am heavier than my dad and brother combined, but neither the heaviest in my family, that being my aunty Gwynnedd, at 26 stone (364 pounds) or my friends, as my friend Ashley claims to be over 30 stone (420 pounds)
13 years

Fattest of your friends/family

Am the fattest in my family and of friends
13 years

Fattest of your friends/family

I am definitely the fattest of my family- probably by at LEAST 200 lbs. I've got only one friend fatter than me, but its not by much.
13 years

Fattest of your friends/family

I'm the fattest of my friend and my family.
13 years

Fattest of your friends/family

Yeah I'm the fattest..all my family and work colleagues are slim,fat haterssmiley
13 years

Fattest of your friends/family

it's sure now I'm the fattest of my all friend and family
12 years

Fattest of your friends/family

Easily the fattest of my close family by at least 50 pounds, and I'm several inches shorter than most of the other men. I do have a female cousin who's put on a lot of weight recently, but she's still no match for me.

I did have a distant uncle who was almost certainly over 400, but I only met him a couple times before he passed away from diabetic complications a few years back.

My best friend probably has about 30 pounds over me, but he's also like 4 or 5 inches taller, so it evens out.
12 years

Fattest of your friends/family

Definitely the fattest of my friends and my family.
12 years

Fattest of your friends/family

I've lost some weight lately, down to about 275, but even when I was at my heaviest a few years ago (332), I had a couple of heavier friends.

I come from a family of heavyweights. I have two male cousins that weigh about 400, and one male and one female cousin that are the high side of 350.

The ravages of age an disease have taken their toll on the previous generation of my family, but, at their widest, there were a lot of heavyweights in that generation, too. I have one aunt that weighed over 400 at one time, and another aunt that weighed well over 300. My mother and father were both around 300 at one time. All the family fatties of my parents' generation are still alive in their late 70s or early 80s, but a couple of the skinny ones have died.
12 years
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