
Fat feelings

When people say letting themselves go in terms of weight gain it doesnt mean theyve stopped caring about their appearance it means they are letting go of any diets and exercise they may have been doing only to conform to society's image of beauty.
Whereas when people say like ' after she had that baby she really let herself go' it probably means like she hasnt had time to brush her hair and is always wearing sweatpants.. kind of like myself ..sans baby
13 years

Fat feelings

When I hear, "let themselves go"... I have always considered it... stopping the struggle, the struggle to stay slim, to stay a size 6, to keep those jeans from when she was younger, to stay at that certain weight.
But to hear and see a woman "let go" is really intriguing. The point where she gives her smaller sizes away, buys new clothes that are loose, spills out of those comfy yoga pants, skips the workout regime...eats that extra bite, takes seconds and enjoys what she bakes!

Let go ladies, LET GO!
13 years

Fat feelings

lol, I think I have to agree with Ruby, weight gain for me was not letting go at all, I had to work damn hard to gain anything and get to where I am now, harder than I would have had I just stayed thin.
13 years