
Mind helping me out for a spel

Hahaha Jules although this is incredibly nerdy I voted hahah and yeah remind me to vote again tomoro smiley
12 years

Mind helping me out for a spel

thanks guys smiley
12 years

Mind helping me out for a spel

bbwildrose wrote:
done! though I was looking for a character called frevoli for ages!

12 years

Mind helping me out for a spel

my sincerest thanks smiley

Look's like I've got into the top 16 - so providing we can maintain this stance, qualification is in sight smiley

Keep voting all smiley
12 years

Mind helping me out for a spel


keep it coming y'all smiley
12 years

Mind helping me out for a spel

thanks smiley

all help is welcomed... and tbh I think the sony store are getting suspicious that I've been there 3 days in a row
12 years

Mind helping me out for a spel

Guys, I qualified smiley

Thanks so much for your help

... now if you could do it again, that be great smiley

This time it's head to head face offs - with martial artists

My character is called Starr Flagg (with whom I took the highroad, by having her show no clevage)

though this time the votes are hidden - so I have no idea how i'm doing smiley

I'm gonna be on edge lol
12 years

Mind helping me out for a spel

cheers smiley
12 years

Mind helping me out for a spel

last day of voting

anyone else who hasn't already - lend me your votingness
12 years

Mind helping me out for a spel

Hi guys

So the result are in, and I've lost... by 6 votes

Thanks everyone who helped with the 67 I did get

Everyone else - you're dead to me
12 years
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