
Chivalry is alive and well

Can I just big up Beavertail14 and Hiltuglas for being complete gentlemen when someone was a toolbag to me in chat? Thanks fellas.

Just goes to show that for every pain in the backside there are twice as many nice guys.

Anyone else had the knight in shining armour treatment? Beats moaning.
13 years

Chivalry is alive and well

People (particularly guys) doing the right thing != chivalry

Unless they're also riding horses and going into battle for their feudal masters and stuff.
13 years

Chivalry is alive and well

I always try and keep chivalry alive, I almost follow it every day. Sad to say a lot of girls these days don't like it. or me lol. but don't let a few D bags think all guys are idiots
13 years

Chivalry is alive and well

KattyFeeder wrote:
It should stay dead and buried. Being nice gets you no where in life.

Being nice gets you farther than being cynical and bitter.
13 years

Chivalry is alive and well

WitchyMcFottykins wrote:
RubyRipples wrote:
randomlancila wrote:
The word chivalry reeks of doing something for someone who's 'helpless' because they can't do it on their own (i.e. women being the weaker sex so men have to cater to them).

It also reeks of doing something nice for a woman just to have a better 'chance' of being with her.

Not a fan of those connotations, myself.

However, doing nice things just to be nice, (as in, you'd do it for ANYONE and not just a girl you fancy) is 100% a-ok. But I wouldn't call it chivalry.

Reek is such a ... horrible negative word. Chivalry was a code of conduct for Knights in medieval times, not just about "rescuing damsels in distress". T me chivalry is the exact opposite of doing something to get into a woman's knickers, it's doing something for them for the sake of being nice and mennerly, no ulterior motives.

I have to agree, it has the same connotation to me, and it is a code of honor and an attitude of doing the right thing and being helpful and generous and expecting nothing in return for it, it really has nothing to do with riding in on your horse and rescuing a damsel in distress, women can be just as chivalrous its a way of thinking and a mindset of treating others with respect and human dignity

I'd have to agree too, being nice to a girl just to get into her pants isn't chivalrous. That's being a manipulative douche.
13 years

Chivalry is alive and well

Rogue wrote:
Murphy wrote:
KattyFeeder wrote:
It should stay dead and buried. Being nice gets you no where in life.

Being nice gets you farther than being cynical and bitter.

Hold on a sec. Since when (and why?) being cynical means automatically that you're bitter too and not able/willing to be nice? Giving and receiving are two different things.

This is very true, but cynicism and bitterness often go hand in hand. I'm not saying that they're the same thing or even that everyone who is cynical is also bitter. Just that bitter people are usually cynical. The same way that people who are outgoing to the point of being really annoying are usually optimists.
13 years

Chivalry is alive and well

I personally like sarcasm and cynicism in the form of jokes. weird humor you can call it. like one you see in south park for example.

interpersonal range of it can be quite funny and amusing. however, it is state of art to notice where that fine and illusive edge lays, and when you actually become unpleasant for that other person you are joking with.

correct person knows itself when to stop.
13 years