
The future of feederism

Hey guys.

Okay, I'm a sci-fi writer...and a little bit OCD when it comes to scientific accuracy..(sound in space pisses me off to no end smiley)

The point is I've done a lot of research to try and make my universe scientifically accurate (if anyone wants to read any of my stuff lemme know smiley ) and this has lead me to realize somewhat of a sad fact.

Fat admiration might not exist in the future. Or at least be reduced in size.

Why you ask? Well like it or not, there are many adverse health effects to being overweight. Of course non of us give a crap, (heck my goal is 300lbs), and scientists around the worlds are working on ways to essentially make people stop getting fat.

All diet pills on the market today work by inhibiting appetite. However as Ray Kurzwiel put it so elegantely "That's kind of like a birth control pill that works by inhibiting interesting sex."

Basically the programming of the human genome says hold onto every calorie, because the next hunting season might not work out so well...well thats not really a problem today. Hence the so called epidemic of obesity. So a lot of research is going into altering that part of the DNA.

Based on all the research I have done, I can safely predict that designer babies might well be common places sometime by the 2060s...think about it. An potential entire generation of children who physically cannot get fat.

Even for those who don't get genetic alterations, there will be nanotechnology (tiny blood cell sized computers, with the same power as the PC as today...yes that is possible) that keeps us healthy from the inside out. Possibly eliminating fat cells as well as cancer.

Of course there is also alot of technology coming which will be good for us FA's.

According to Moore's Law (the statistically proven fact that computer power doubles every two years), by around 2020- computer chips will cost a round a penny. Bringing in the age of ubiquitous computing- when computers are everywhere and no where. Possibly allowing people to work from home 24 hours a day smiley

Even further down the line there will be Robots which can for fill our every need (especially useful for you immobile people out there smiley ), and believe it or not- the famous Repilcator Machines from Star Trek are also poossible. Using Nanotechnology to build food from the atom upwards...pretty much every feedees dream come true right? smiley

So yeah..discuss smiley
12 years

The future of feederism

All of this is a possibility, but it would actually be less feasible to alter what geneologists call the "thrifty gene", the gene that maximizes fat storage, than it would be to find ways to eliminate the actual negatives as opposed to eliminating the possibility to gain weight.
12 years

The future of feederism

Interesting...I'd want that one smiley
12 years

The future of feederism

I think even before they genetically change anyone they will "cure obesity"--develop a pill or therapy that will allow anyone to easily lose weight. At around the same time they will diabetes and other health problems that can be caused by obesity.

So no one will be fat--unless they WANT to. And many of those who wouldn't get fat these days (because of the health risks and the difficulty of losing weight if they change there mind) will feel free to get as fat as they want.

So it could be great for feeders and feedees. Not so good for FAs, as I doubt most foodees would get fat or stay that way if it were easy to lose. Though I could be wrong.
12 years

The future of feederism

That is a future I want to see come to fruition. I mean, who wouldn't want to be 800+lbs if there were no adverse health effects? I mean, on this site anyway. *there would still probably be some exceptions but whatever...I'd like it lol*
12 years