
I'm 34, and the course of my coming to understand the things I find arousing is probably pretty typical of the folks around my age or older. I started with a few scenes from cartoons or books being masturbation fodder, and told no one. A few years ago, I found people and groups on the internet who felt the way I did, and with the confidence that inspired in me, I 'came out' to a few people, and started to seek relationships with others in this community.

I've noticed *a lot* of teenagers and young adults in the sites and forums that I frequent, and it makes me think. I envy them in some ways, because I wouldn't wish years of thinking of myself as a sexual freak on anyone. But the reality of our fetish is that in real life application, it is a risky thing. It's a risk that some of us choose and others don't, deciding that fantasy is enough.

I think about myself at that age, and I don't think I would have had the maturity to understand the full consequences of embracing the feeding lifestyle. For someone at 19 to seek to weigh 500 pounds disturbs me a little. Where do you go from there? What is it like to go through your entire life at that weight? Or to diet so that you can do it again? As much as I wish it was different, being morbidly obese is a difficult life, from the physical to the social. To start your adult life with such a self-imposed handicap may be something that you never really recover from.

Am I being a prude? This is an awkward stance for me - I'm a big fan of sexual freedom and enjoying and embracing your sexual desires. I really would like to get some other opinions on this, especially from the younger members of our crowd.
18 years

You make a good point, hugs. Lots of people wait their whole lives to follow their dreams, and it rarely works out by then. I have to say that I'd rather do something that I'd regret than do nothing at all...
18 years

Teen and young adult feedees

bigbiglust wrote:
You make a good point, hugs. Lots of people wait their whole lives to follow their dreams, and it rarely works out by then. I have to say that I'd rather do something that I'd regret than do nothing at all...

Very true.smiley
13 years

Teen and young adult feedees

Whilst im not a teen (21), im a mutual gainer with my teen (19) fiance. neither of us desire immobility. However we are both gaining towards an eventual goal of around 200kg.

We both enjoy the feel and lifestyle associated with having such a large partner and being large our selves.

And we have been made acutely aware of the inevitable effects of such a lifestyle but were happy.

We plan to keep it that way, and so if in time we for whatever reason decide that we should abandon our goal to maintain that happiness then so be it, but at this stage we feel that we'd be happiest as a very large couple smiley

All the best
13 years

Teen and young adult feedees

As a young gainer *and wannabe feedee* I don't feel I've made a mistake. I actually started gaining actively around the age of 13.

Even then I knew the risks *before I knew of the existance of this site and others like it I would google obesity and read health magazine articles on it*. Perhaps it was a bit of the young person's ideology of "Huh, won't happen to me" but I was undaunted.

I gained steadily until I just before I turned 21, reaching my highest weight of 610lbs. Then lost around 170lbs due to health concerns *which never fear have been resolved, in fact I even question their veracity in the first place.*

Despite this I wouldn't change a second of it. And since resolving the health concern I've even started gaining again.

So long of the short, I'm a young gainer. I'm happy to be one, and I wouldn't change if I could.
13 years

Teen and young adult feedees

Personally I think 17 or less is usually too young to make this decision.

But at eighteen you're old enough (in the US anyway) to vote, get drafted, commit felonies, pay taxes--basically, make all your own decisions.

By all means, consider all the risks, upsides, downsides, etc.

Then get as fat as you want.
12 years

Teen and young adult feedees

Honestly i think there needs to be better support for the teens with gainer tendancies. I know i would've wanted it in high school smiley

Either way I have my 300lb goal smiley
12 years

Teen and young adult feedees

Maimee wrote: From what I've read here on FF, most people knew long before the 'legal' age of 18 what they wanted - to get fat, or to feed someone else. Personally, I can't visualise it as a choice you shouldn't make until you're a certain age. It wouldn't make a difference.

You might be right about some of us. Others change their minds, especially early in life. And it can be hard or even impossible to change your mind about being fat once you get there.

Personally, at 11 I started trying to gain, had second thoughts and decided to postpone it. A few years later I lost all interest in gaining myself and was only interested in feeding women. So I think I made the right choice at 11 when I decided not to gain.

So, young people: Since there's plenty of time to get fat later in life once you're sure that's what you want, I would urge you to wait if you have any doubts at all.
12 years