
You know you're a feedee when

You know your a feedee when the smell of fried chicken makes you moist
or is that foodee ...hmm... whatever !!
12 years

You know you're a feedee when

you know you're feedee when...

... you are ready to give up even sex for food.

well...I don't go that far smiley
12 years

You know you're a feedee when

Pedants' Corner

Arrhythmia wrote:
No. But you did split an infinitive.smiley what?

Some of the claims about syntax are plainly false despite being respected by the authors. For example, Chapter IV, in an unnecessary piece of bossiness, says that the split infinitive "should be avoided unless the writer wishes to place unusual stress on the adverb." The bossiness is unnecessary because the split infinitive has always been grammatical and does not need to be avoided.

There was no split infinitive in MissPrettyPanties' post so anyone carping about Ginger's alleged pedantry missed the joke entirely. Although for the record, I disagree with your quote above. "Has always been grammatical"?? In whose opinion?
12 years

You know you're a feedee when

You know your a feedee when your pet hates include waiting in the drive thru at takeaway places for longer than 3 minutes and food being too hot for you to eat immediately.
12 years