
The hell that is my life

Where in NY? but you did right thing, don't ever cheat on your GF. looks bad, and basicly inside it may pull on you.

good job on saying no lol.
12 years

The hell that is my life

Rogue wrote:
If there were more guys like you out there, a lot less women would have to cry themselves to sleep.
Thank you for sharing your experience. The way you dealt with it kinda restores my faith in men.
I wish you all the best smiley

All of you above wrote some absolutely wonderful, beautiful lines.

However, I couldn't help myself but to look at it once more - critically:
The world is full of people (both genders) cheating on their partners. Not because of some particular reason, but because they can. 'The opportunity makes a thief', sort of thing.
If you look around, you see it every step of the way.

Does these answers above give a right picture of the world surrounding us?
How come?

Is that a sign that the 'ethics' level in feed/FA community is higher than average?

Or are we all plain giving 'socially adjusted' answers?

Just food for thoughts... smiley
12 years

The hell that is my life

Thinniht wrote:
fatFairy wrote:
Rogue wrote:
If there were more guys like you out there, a lot less women would have to cry themselves to sleep.
Thank you for sharing your experience. The way you dealt with it kinda restores my faith in men.
I wish you all the best smiley

All of you above wrote some absolutely wonderful, beautiful lines.

However, I couldn't help myself but to look at it once more - critically:
The world is full of people (both genders) cheating on their partners. Not because of some particular reason, but because they can. 'The opportunity makes a thief', sort of thing.
If you look around, you see it every step of the way.

Does these answers above give a right picture of the world surrounding us?
How come?

Is that a sign that the 'ethics' level in feed/FA community is higher than average?

Or are we all plain giving 'socially adjusted' answers?

Just food for thoughts... smiley

That's just plain dumb. First of all a group can't have a higher standard because it will consist of individuals with individual standards. Secondly, I don't think people here are giving 'socially adjusted' answers. Yeah I see people cheating all the time but the vast VAST majority op people I've met don't cheat, seriously frown on cheaters, or regret the one time they did cheat and absolutely broke someon's heart and would never do it again.
I believe these answers are sincere. It's just that the people who high-five each other for getting extra notches in their belt without having to give up the security of a relationship haven't posted on this topic because they didn't particularly want to out themselves.
I don't think the post by fatFairy was dumb, but I also agree that those that have been unfaithful have not posted for fear of being lambasted. So here goes!

Years ago when I was young I was unfaithful to my girlfriend, with a girl who was equally as lovely as girlfriend. She was in an abusive marriage and needed a shoulder to cry on as much as anything. Clearly there was a great attraction with each other and a friendship that develpoed further. as we were working together in a close environment, we talked a lot and I would go as far as to say that we did love each other. When we eventually made love it racked me with guilt and not wanting to lose my girlfriend I made little contact with the other girl, by this time we were not working together. I feel that I let the other girl down as much as my girlfriend by not continuing this relationship. Yes you can be in love with two girls at the same time, for the act we performed was genuinely something special. However, it was my cowardly behaviour in not being here for this other girl that was my worst act.

Some years later when my girlfriend and I had split up, I hooked up with a gorgeous looking girl I met in a nightclub. She was in a loveless marriage, (I didn't have any idea until she wanted to break up) her husband no longer found her attractive due to her weight gain. I was rather shocked, but personally would have liked the relationship to continue.

These days I try not to put my puritan hat on and judge people for their discrepancies, as each situation is individual and some of these infidelaties can be for good reason. More destructive than the acts themselves is guilt and regret. If anyone does think they will feel those evil emotions, under no circumstances should they be unfaithful, neither should they unburden themselves by telling their partner, as this is just cruel.
12 years

The hell that is my life

Thinniht wrote:
I stand by my original statement. Except maybe dumb was the wrong word. Maybe I meant ignorant.
Given your experience, wouldn't you say that cheating is never the answere? And wouldn't you base that statement on your own first-hand experience?
If you don't think you're happy then you should move on. If you're happy where you're at and the temptation to malign your situation pops up and you resist it... that makes you a good person. Straight up. End of sentance.
Any other opinion comes from either ignorance (I.e. lack of experience) or straight up assholiness.
I have to disagree with you a little as you make everything sound so black and white. Life is just not like that, it's full of several shades of grey. Serial manogomy causes just as much heartache, as it doesn't give the partner you are with a chance either. That partner may not want to break up just because of some discontentment. That all said I don't think that anyone continually cheating is acceptable either. Going out looking for every opportunity to cheat is disgusting behaviour.
12 years