
The feederism gene

I think saying that there is a feederism gene is the equivalent of saying that there is a gay gene. I don't think it's a choice, since a far easier choice for me would have been to like skinny girls.

I didn't know in high school what my preference was, I even thought i liked skinny girls since that was what I assumed everybody liked. Most teens probably think this, because they are bombarded with the stereotypes. That and I really didn't have many fat girls in my surroundings.

thank god for the Internet...
I discovered that i liked feederism through the dimensions weight board, round 2000 or something. By fapping to Kelly girl images mostly, back in the day smiley I was always fascinated by how large she had gotten, and that she seemed to be enjoying it, and i remember hoping that she would get even bigger still.
12 years

The feederism gene

I've felt this way about fat since childhood. Lots of cartoons showing showing fat people eating and struggling always aroused me, even before I understood what arousal was. I even used to stuff pillows in my clothes and waddle around like a fatty.
I've dated beautiful thin women before, but nothing has aroused me on such a deep, primal, sexual level than feeding and fattening a woman with the same desire. I gave up a long time ago trying to figure it out and concluded I'm hard-wired for fat women.
The older I get, the bigger I want her and the more I realize if I were to settle down it would need to be with a gaining, beautiful, lazy food addicted feedee. Now, where to turn?
12 years

The feederism gene

Im sure I was just born this way, I remember being like 6 or 7 and wishing I was fat and not only that but wanting other people to see me as fat, like id sit in my front yard with like a pillow under my shirt haha
my mum has always been big and my sister was pretty big for while, and alot of my friends have been overweight but they have always hated it and tried to lose weight and I was also teased in school for being chubby, so to me fat has always been seen as a negative thing.
I think that having a prefernce for curvy or fat girls or whatever is probably caused by somthing in childhood but having a fetish for the actual fat, the feel of it, the look..everything..youve just got to be born with that..
I dont think it's genetic because youd think then it would be more common to have people with the same fetishes in families ?
12 years

The feederism gene

FluffyMcMittens wrote:
I dunno about it being genetic but I definetly believe its something in us from waaay back when we were living in huts and whatnot

Darwins' 'surviving of the fittest' (or should I say 'the fattest': the one with the most reserves), compressed to a level of what is called 'a cell memory' ???

however, saying it is pure genetics goes a bit far for me. it is more like combination of phenotype (own character plus social and other surroundings and influences) en genotype (like what I said above). for that matter I sign under what Up Quark wrote.
12 years

The feederism gene

Genetics or not... as we see from McFottykins post, she is no clear gay, but BI. Which means somewhere around 50 on the scale 0 to 100.

I think there is the same sort of scale that could be applied to this kink smiley.
0 for average and 100 for hardcore feeder/feedee for example.

I am somewhere about 30 (with occasional, sporadical jump to 100 and back)

Thinking twice, this would make nice thread itself... smiley
12 years

The feederism gene

Up Quark wrote:
WitchyMcFottykins wrote:
I can not say for certain if there is a genetic connection but I can draw a parallel with homosexuality which does have evidence of a genetic link and my own family is proof its likely, if you have 4 male children in one family and 3 of them are gay you can't help but say that,

You have a very interesting family and, knowing how well my gay friends look after their sisters, you're very lucky!

Having 3 gay siblings isn't necessarily evidence of a genetic disposition to homosexuality, it could just as easily be another influence. Also, as far as I understand, your family's experience is very much the exception and not the rule.

There is some very interesting research that shows a higher rate of homosexuality among men if they have older male siblings. In fact, the chance of a man being gay increases substantially the more older brothers he has. There are some intriguing theories as to why this is.
This is a fascinating post. If this is so then socialisation must have some influence on homosexuality. The same effects must also be possible with feederism and in general being an FA. As I mentioned in a simular subject that positive reinforcement must have some effect.

It is possible that even in Layla's case, where she says that none of her family like being fat, that their love and affection to her is a positive reinforcement (ie fat people are kind and loving). However, where this theory falls down a bit is from plenty of posts claiming that they have always felt this way from as long as they can remember.

It's certainly a great subject to discuss and until there is any scientific evidence, I suppose we will all just keep on guessing.
12 years

The feederism gene

While I am not sure my brother is a full blown FA he did confess to me that he did not like the fact that when his wife recently lost weight, he was not to happy about her curves disappearing.

Now first time I remember a preference for larger girls I was only ten and is also my first memory of thinking of a girl as anything other than icky.

Soon I found out it was clearly wrong to like fat, but plenty of other boys liked girls with big breasts and whose girls tended to have a bit of a belly as well, so in public that is what my preference, but in my dreams I still fantasized about bigger girls. t was not until I turned eighteen and got regular internet that I found that my preference although unusual was not mine alone and from there I have gradual become more open about what I like.
12 years

The feederism gene

madygrace38iBombshell wrote:
I don’t think its a dominate trait like brown eyes or curly hair but a very random recessive trait form like what was said the cave man days of “she good hearty big woman she will bear me many son” and the feedee girl is like “he strong good hunter good gather bring me lots of goods to my hunt I will give him many sons”

basically i want to spread the understanding that its something I chose it was something I was born with and its nothing to be ashamed of being a feedee is apart of what makes me spacial and unique just like the birth mark on my hip or the fact I am allergic to nuts "i born this way" qouteth the gaga

This is kinda how I view it as well. I know that I gravitate towards women with bigger busts, wider hips and thicker bodies. I can't think of any real hard concrete reason why. I just do. I don't see it as a dominate or recessive sort of gene. More like a genetic memory from long long ago. My ancestors learned something and it's been past down through the generations and is tending to express itself in and through me. I think it's cool and I love it.

Now as for the feeder aspects of my fetish. I believe that is me trying to fill some void or something like that. Most likely to fill a need for control and/or fulfill a desire to find that "perfect" lady Perhaps even go as far and say to combined the two and create my perfect lady. I doubt that, however, one can never turn down any possible idea without first testing it. It would help explain the turn-on of finding a skinny girl and fattening her up though. Very interesting....smiley
12 years