
Sleeping position

I can sleep in just about any position, though I usually wake up lieing on my back.
12 years

Sleeping position

Someone mentioned marks on the face, funny story. I once slept with my hand pressed into my cheek all night so I woke up with a very well defined hand-print on my face, it persisted for a few hours too <,<
12 years

Sleeping position

Question for any of the women with long hair, My hair is down to my waist now and when i sleep always seems to get caught up in my rolls/cleavage but i cant seem to find a comfortable way to tie it up whilst sleeping, any suggestions??
12 years

Sleeping position

Most of the time on my belly with my face to the right. Sometimes on my right side, especially when I get my "second sleep" after I woke up in the morning. Always on the right side of the bed.

Surprised to hear that so many women with a big belly sleep on their belly, I thought that would be uncomfortable.
12 years

Sleeping position

MissLou wrote:
I usually fall asleep on my stomach.

I'm a real mover in my sleep - I tend to wake up with the duvet every shape, and sprawled all over the place.
Other than the stomach part, I'm the same all over the place. But I always start laughing when I wake up at the foot of my bed. lol
12 years

Sleeping position

I used to always only EVER sleep in one position, which was like on my stomach with one arm under my head or pillow and one of my legs like bent right up
but now I have this problem called Meralgia paraesthetica which is when one of the nerves is compressed and causes this nasty pain and numbness in your outer thigh
so now I have to sleep with both my legs straight
AND I HATE IT smiley
12 years

Sleeping position

Maimee wrote:
Layla wrote:
I used to always only EVER sleep in one position, which was like on my stomach with one arm under my head or pillow and one of my legs like bent right up
but now I have this problem called Meralgia paraesthetica which is when one of the nerves is compressed and causes this nasty pain and numbness in your outer thigh
so now I have to sleep with both my legs straight
AND I HATE IT smiley

I had that in my teens, I totally get how annoying it is. :o Mine went after a few years though. Even though I'm much heavier now and have gone back to the sleeping habits that caused that numbness, it hasn't returned, so it might eventually disappear for you too, Layla.

oh really ? thats awesome that yours went away ! That actually gives me alot of hope !!

mine was really worrying me there for awhile cuz I thought id have to lose weight, until I learnt that it was more from the way I slept than my belly haha !!

and I know right Dan it is ridiculous, and after all the delicious food I give it too !!
12 years