
Advice from the ladies please.

I agree with Quintessence that persistence is key. I've said no on a few occasions because I assumed the boy asking was either half taking the mickey, or was desperate so he approached me as the chubby girl rather than my more traditionally-considered-attractive slim friends because he thought they were out of his league.

The other thing I'd say is this - although I'm in 2 minds about it because I feel it sort of betrays the "make people realise that fat is perfectly fine" movement. It's that before I accepted my body shape & learned to love it, it was easier for me to hear compliments concerning my tits'n'ass because it's part of our culture that some boys like bigger, rounder boobs and backsides. I was more likely to believe a boy genuinely fancied me if he was known for loving well-endowed girls. I figured he'd put up with the big belly etc that goes along with it on me. I'm not saying lie about your preference for bigger girls, but if you're looking to pay a compliment it's gonna sit better with her if you voice that you admire those more traditionally-lusted-after areas.

As I say, it's not great for the fat acceptance movement, but I know that back in the day I simply wouldn't have believed someone if they'd complimented my tummy or chubby legs/arms. I'd have assumed it was a sideways way of saying I needed to diet, and the fact they'd even noticed would be mortifying.

It's really tricky because as you've already recognised, it's so ingrained in most girls' psyches that fat is bad that they won't even come out and socialise in your area, let alone believe you find them attractive, so patience and a gradual approach are always gonna be required.
12 years