
What do you wear to bed?

I wear perfume smiley
12 years

What do you wear to bed?

12 years

What do you wear to bed?

Undies, every day of the year except Xmas, I wear full PJs to bed on Xmas Eve *...what?*
12 years

What do you wear to bed?

Shorts or underwear.
12 years

What do you wear to bed?

a combination of assorted PJs - the length of which depending, of course
12 years

What do you wear to bed?

Though this winter, I've found myself going to bed wearing my dressing gown as well - I'd freeze otherwise
11 years

What do you wear to bed?

I usually wear a big old shirt and some sweatpants or if its hot just the shirt

sexy I know
11 years

What do you wear to bed?

boxer briefs and a t-shirt when it's cold... and no t-shirt when it isn't.
11 years

What do you wear to bed?

I usually wear boxers to bed. And nothing else smiley
11 years

What do you wear to bed?

Nothing, usually. Unless it's absolutely freezing, in which case I'll sometimes wear as much as a t-shirt, sweat-bottoms and socks...until the bed has sufficiently warmed up that all that now feels stiflingly hot.
11 years
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