
Webcam chat

I'll start off by saying I am aware that it is a feature in the FF chat rooms but only for paying members. In any case, I just got a new webcam and thought I'd see who else enjoys using the little buggers. Whether you just like to video chat, or do shows, or whatever, if you use a webcam this thread is for you!

Post the site you use for webcamming and your username so other webcammers can get in touch! (can you tell I'm excited to try mine out? smiley)

Mine: Sketchman on
12 years

Webcam chat

Sorry, I'm going to have to lock this because the cams feature on FF is an incentive for people to buy a Gold membership amongst other things. smiley

Also shows can sometimes mean pay services which can't be promoted on here either, as a reminder to people just in case.
12 years