
Family/friends reaction

I wouldn't try to sell them on the joys of getting/being fat...just cheerfully say you've found that you're happier if you eat what you want, and the extra weight doesn't bother you.
12 years

Family/friends reaction

My friends don't say anything about my weight; since some of them are heavy as well. A family friend who saw me last year said how fat my face has gotten, but you're still beautiful. I'm more confident and more heavier with my weight.
12 years

Family/friends reaction

For the most part, my friends are supportive of me with my gain, regardless of whether they know my actual intentions or not. Support varies from person to person, but overall I feel like I'm being treated well by friends.

I've shocked a couple of friends who I hadn't seen in a few years because they were teaching abroad. That was fun.

Family is a bit of an elephant in the room that no-one wants to discuss with me. I've had a couple of concerned parent lectures since I went through with gaining, but that was a few years ago. They figure that I'm happier now than I was before, so they're kind of at a loss of what to say other than they hope that I'm in good health.
12 years

Family/friends reaction

While this is an older thread I definitely wanted to post in it.

I was overseas for 10 years and I didn't see a lot of my friends in that time.. I only saw my brother once until I returned home to Australia.

During that 10 years my weight has gone from 55 kg (about 120 lbs) at 188 cm (6'2"smiley up to about 98 kg when I came back to Oz... since then I've seen my brother again and my weight had gone up to 108 kg and due to medical reasons back down to about 102 kg but my gut got much bigger.

While my brother didn't comment the last time he saw me he did comment when I first moved back home, I told him it was due to quitting smoking and he was happy with that and said it was better to be fat than smoking.. can't wait until I quit again!

I'm not likely to see my brother again for about another 8 months and I'm hoping to get up to at least 110 or more kg and knowing that most of my regain and new fat goes to my gut I'm guessing he'll notice and possibly comment.

My friends haven't said a lot about it, they just accept me as I am, but a couple of them have packed on a few kgs as well...

Live and let live pretty much..
12 years

Family/friends reaction

Family is kinda accepted me as I am.
Only occasionally teasing me that I must diet.
11 years