
Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

Lawful wonder I can't be an "Evil Feeder"!
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

Ariday wrote:
Neutral Good here. Anyone know of examples of Neutral Good people? smiley

Helps the law, breaks the law, focuses on Good regardless of focusing on doing things legally to help people as a noble cop or a knight might (Lawful Good), or viewing laws as generally getting in the way of helping people (Chaotic Good).

And if you're a Harry Potter fan, check out the link I added to the first post. smiley
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

sethman wrote:
Ehh, Batman's actually more of a Lawful Good Scoundrel, if we're maintaining the D&D Alignment System.

Here are some well-known pop culture examples of each alignment.

Lawful Good: Batman (though he's considered a Scoundrel as well), Superman, Indiana Jones, Angel the titular character from Angel, The Doctor (from Doctor Who), Mario

Neutral Good: Buffy Summers, Spiderman (though he's also a Scoundrel), Zorro, Link from Legend of Zelda

Chaotic Good: Captain Malcolm Reynolds, Robin Hood, Dr. House, Captain Kirk, Luke Skywalker (at first, but he gradually becomes Lawful Good)

Lawful Neutral: Captain Picard, James Bond

True Neutral: Han Solo (in his earlier parts, he becomes Chaotic Good later on), Lorne from Angel, Tyrion Lanister from Game of Thrones, The Borg from Star Trek

Chaotic Neutral: Ben Linus from Lost, Captain Jack Sparrow, Wolverine (prior to joining the X-Men), Gambit from X-Men, Elim Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Lawful Evil: Darth Vader, Magneto, Dracula

Neutral Evil: Sawyer from Lost (in the early seasons, anyway, he gradually becomes Chaotic Good), Mystique from X-Men

Chaotic Evil: The Joker, Sylar from Heroes, Pyro from X-Men, pretty much any villain who wants to "destroy the world"

I got Neutral Good.

Also I liked all of these, except for where you say that Luke became Lawful Good. I feel like he stayed Chaotic Good, or possibly became Neutral Good because he clashed with the government far too often to be Lawful good *my two cents*
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

My thought was based on the fact that throughout the EU novels he continued to be only loosely tied to the government that the Rebel Alliance helped set up, often going against it's wishes and ruffling more than a few feathers.
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

Oddity wrote:
I took the extra long one, and apparently I'd be a Neutral Good Human Wizard. smiley

I'd be a Neutral Good Human Wizard/Cleric, which makes sense I suppose. smiley
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

Neutral Good Human Ranger/Sorcerer (2nd/1st Level) No idea what that means but it sounds cool. smiley And according to the ranger thing I get animal companions. Ya just like Beast Master. lol
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

Ok sethman you want to go to the first page. Then you want to go to Saphiel Sir first post and you want to use the link on the bottom not the top. The one for Harry potter fans and once that page opens up you should see on the left hand side at the bottom of the list "What D&D Character Am I?". Hope that helps smiley
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

Ariday wrote:
I was a Nuetral Good Human Bard (Level 4) who had from 11-15 in stats. I remember my wisdom was 15 and my charisma was 13 and that's the rest were 11 and one 12... dont remember what. So, umm, huh? Lol.

A bard is a kind of ancient (and in this case magical) singer/poet. They're often charismatic rogues that sing/play music to enhance their team/party, such as boosting their courage and fighting capability, and also have knowledge of folklore and other tales. They also have a medium selection of spells, usually involving charms and illusions, and some minor skill with a good variety of weapons, making them a jack-of-all-trades.

As for stats, 10 is about average where 18 is about the peak of human ability.

Strength: Represents muscle and physical power.
Dexterity: Represents hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance.
Constitution: Represents health and stamina.
Intelligence: Represents how one learns and reasons.
Wisdom: Represents willpower, common sense, perception, and intuition.
Charisma: Represents force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness.

Don't worry too much about the levels, everyone starts their career off as Level 1 and goes up as you adventure. smiley
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

boomstickdog wrote:
Neutral Good Human Ranger/Sorcerer (2nd/1st Level) No idea what that means but it sounds cool. smiley And according to the ranger thing I get animal companions. Ya just like Beast Master. lol

A ranger is more of a wilderness warrior and hunter/tracker. They have much knowledge of nature and often specialise in wielding two weapons or wielding bows. They also specialise in fighting certain types of enemies like dragons, goblins, or the undead and get combat bonuses when fighting them. Indeed, in this case they also get a loyal Animal Companion that gets stronger/tougher as they do, like a hawk, wolf or horse, and also have a small selection of often nature themed spells.

A sorcerer in the case of this quiz is a natural spellcaster with magic in their blood(as opposed to a wizard, who learns from books). They've got loads of 'juice'/'energy'/etc to cast with, though they have a limited selection of spells and don't learn more with study. They have a little skill with several weapons, and like wizards, can have a Familiar which is a magical beast that resembles a small animal and is unusually intelligent, also granting the spellcaster a bonus (example, a Cat familiar would grant it's owner a boost to moving about silently). They are linked to the soul of the spellcaster who will lose a hefty amount of experience if the familiar is killed or dismissed.

(for the curious, Harry-Potter-type-wizards are more a combination of both sorcerers and wizards, where here they're split up to limit power game-wise. Messenger pets like owls and toads are probably more like Animal Companions without extra combat bonuses, though Voldemort's pet snake Nagini is much more like a Familiar given their particular bond)

You're a mix of both. smiley I also added a direct link to the lengthy quiz to the first post.
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

Thanks Saphiel Sir I knew Neutral Good Human Ranger/Sorcerer sounded cool. But the description you gave made it sound way more awesome. smiley And I get a Familiar plus a loyal Animal Companion sweet. smiley
12 years
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