
Nude pictures

I dont post nude pictures
only in underwear and stuff
but that is more to do with my utter hate for my breasts more than thinking I will come off as trashy

But people that do are not trashy at all
This is one of the only places where if you are gaining or big you can post nudes and get positive feedback
and I think its really bad some people are trying to ruin this for people by saying its trashy
12 years

Nude pictures

It is funny that so many people are for showing nude pictures, yet so many people here are against liking people on their physical attraction.

If two people get serious they are free to trade them privately. But when surfing through this site, I would rather see a pretty smile than someone's privates.

When everyone tries to outdo everyone else's nude pictures, it makes this site nothing more than a porn site. All of the support, understanding, etc. goes out the window.
12 years

Nude pictures

I think any person has the right to show whatever they like of their body especially if it makes them feel better. But I also believe some moderation is probably best. You never know when posting a pic of whatever could bite you in your ass. Also like Ruby said people steal pics form people all over the place luckily for me I’m pretty much a stick with red hair and dots not many calls for those. lol
12 years

Nude pictures

rubyripples wrote:
johnxyz wrote:
It is funny that so many people are for showing nude pictures, yet so many people here are against liking people on their physical attraction.

If two people get serious they are free to trade them privately. But when surfing through this site, I would rather see a pretty smile than someone's privates.

When everyone tries to outdo everyone else's nude pictures, it makes this site nothing more than a porn site. All of the support, understanding, etc. goes out the window.

Hmm it sounds from your post like you have an issue with something that isn't really the topic of the thread? I think almost all couples are first attracted on a physical basis, that's nature. And.. what do you mean by your last paragraph? Outdoing?

People will feel that they will need to post nude pictures because everyone else is doing it. And people try to show more to attract more attention.
12 years

Nude pictures

I'm actually glad this topic came up because I'm hoping someone can explain this to me. Why is it when most people see a naked woman, people are nearly automatically fixated on her, yet when most people see a naked man, people are almost instantly repulsed by him? Why are women’s bodies so pleasant to look at, yet men’s bodies are considered disgusting? I suspect a double standard, but I don't want to say for sure.

The reason I'm even asking is I like to think that despite being a considerably fat man, I’m a reasonably good looking man. I enjoy what I see when I stand in front of the mirror naked. Yet, when a man is naked, most people don’t respond in nearly the same way that they would if a woman is naked.

I cant speak for other people but I know for myself
even though I only date men
I find womens bodies much more asthetically pleasing
thin or not
there is just so much more to look at...
the boobs, the curves, the hips, the thighs !
So I would much rather look at female nudes than male nudes
but maybe thats just me ?

Also I agree with basically everything Ruby said

what i dont get though is why when this subject is brought up the person seems to think it is something that happens exclusively on FF
I mean, this happens everywhere
I cant think of one place where a man's appearance is appreciated more than a females
I mean you go into ANY club, fat or not and who is going to get the most attention
the woman of course

Its just the way things go
12 years

Nude pictures

rubyripples wrote:This site is not and never has been about porn, it's about fat.

Couldn't have said it better myself. smiley
12 years

Nude pictures

rubyripples wrote:
..This site is not and never has been about porn, it's about fat.

I like your comment. smiley
12 years