
Antidepressants &relationships

Have you talked to your doctor about changing them ? probably a stupid question but I just know my mum is on effexor and she doesnt have any like dulling of other emotions
12 years

Antidepressants &relationships

scroogey wrote:
However, due to the evening out of my mood, as I don't feel sadness or emotion I feel little happiness and passion, which was expected.

It's possible that the medication could put a certain dampener on emotional engagement, especially if you're feeling a lack of emotion while on them already. My own medication tends to just make me feel very serene whenever I'm on it and tends to lower my own emotional engagement, though I don't really feel it inhibited me that much.

Anyway, don't worry too much about it overall, it should turn out alright. smiley Like Justin said, just try and adjust to the feelings and get used to the new state, that'll help a lot.
12 years

Antidepressants &relationships

i would say that the antidepressants dont take away how you feel they just give you the head space to deal with the emotions better. im on antidepressants and i know im a lot calmer than i used to be but it doent mean i dont love anyone less. if anything i can express it better without looking like a crazy stalker smiley
12 years

Antidepressants &relationships

pinktutu72 wrote:
cutenchubby wrote:
i would say that the antidepressants dont take away how you feel they just give you the head space to deal with the emotions better. im on antidepressants and i know im a lot calmer than i used to be but it doent mean i dont love anyone less. if anything i can express it better without looking like a crazy stalker smiley

I feel this way too. After my divorce I just felt like everyone hated me. I'm on Fluoxetine and it's helped me so much. I feel much happier that I did and more engaged in relationships because I'm happier.

Yeh fluoxetine is what im on too. i agree with what everyone is saying about finding the right drug for you, although ive never changed antidepressants it took about 5 years to get the right dosage and to make sure i did need to be on them for a prolonged period of time. So yeh if you arent happy with your reaction to the meds there are other options smiley
12 years