
Intolerant people make me sick

I actually remember that, at one stage it looked like there was going to be a cross-site war but I think our mods spoke to their mods and got everyone to move on.

Either way I don't worry about it, there are people who don't like us or what we do, just ignore them.

The funny thing is that gaining for fat isn't that different from gaining for muscle, we may have different end goals and ideals, but we're both making the same efforts and pursuing our desires.
12 years

Intolerant people make me sick

I was actually suprised at the amount of people on that site that said
' how is this much different from what we do'

What annoys me the most is how because of the biased shows and stuff that theyve seen about feederism, they always think feeders are evil and that feedees dont really exist

such a joke
12 years

Intolerant people make me sick

This probably makes me sound as bad as them, but I find all those veins showing rather ugly. As for women body builders, the word "minger" comes to mind.
12 years

Intolerant people make me sick

minger hahahahaha
12 years

Intolerant people make me sick

I't interesting, that everyone here is writing about how awful intolerant people are, but in the style and language they use, they seem to be even more intolerant, than the people they are attacking. If you write you would like to murder everyone YOU CONSIDER an intolerant person, just think a little: maybe you are intolerant too.
12 years

Intolerant people make me sick

Haters Gonna hate.

What you gonna do about it. Even people here can be and are intolerant of others who are different. Maybe we are more tolerant than the average person, this group of people still contains hypocritical narrow minded people. You have them everywhere.

I know myself to be intolerant of some groups of people. nobody's perfect. People have the right to be ***s smiley
12 years

Intolerant people make me sick

myownway wrote:
forgiveness is overrated.

It was not about forgiveness, but about how a lot of people call others intolerant, but they themselves cannot tolerate anyone who does not agree 100% with everything they believe in.

If someone really did something bad to you, then you can feel angry, but what I wrote was not about this, but about the term "intolerance". I just think this term is over-used, especially by people who are intolerants themselves.
12 years

Intolerant people make me sick

Tolerance is about TOLERATING people from all walks of life

You dont have to like them
12 years

Intolerant people make me sick


Damnit, you beat me to it...

as for myself, I love to lift and train..however I find it off-putting for a girl to be in good shape...
12 years