
Scariest thing to happen to u?

Big cutie bonnie wrote:
Bloody locust flew at my head the other day, scared the sh!t outta me

Welcome to Australia lolol
12 years

Scariest thing to happen to u?

got trapped in a lift, got trapped in a restroom, almost drowned twice (in the same day), nearly been run over a few times, had dreams involving zombies, vampires and ravenous beasts., nothing comes to mind really
12 years

Scariest thing to happen to u?

Also scariest thing that ever happened to me was probably getting bashed by 2 men at the train station for my cigarettes

I did how ever enjoy how awkward people act around you when you have a black eye hahahaa
12 years

Scariest thing to happen to u?

scrambledegg wrote:
JulesTeak wrote:
got trapped in a lift, got trapped in a restroom, almost drowned twice (in the same day), nearly been run over a few times, had dreams involving zombies, vampires and ravenous beasts., nothing comes to mind really

A restroom? Since when have you turned American!

because a toilet sounded crass and a bathroom would be misrepresentation
12 years

Scariest thing to happen to u?

It's a close draw for me, the first situation is when, as a child *5 or 6 years old I forget which* I was attacked by a huge, blind, St. Bernard. The dog's head was nearly the size of my entire body at the time and there were a few seconds where I was literally inside the dogs mouth, before my dad kicked it in the ribs. After that it took years for me to overcome my fear of large dogs, I wouldn't go near them at all until I was nearly 18 years old.

The second situation was many years later, I was a sophomore in highschool and my older brother was taking an automotive course at the Vo-Tech institute that was affiliated with our school. There was an accident and my brother's hand was cut down to the bone *to this day he has a large scar on that hand*. But that's not the rumor that got back to the school. I heard everything from his hand was cut off to his whole arm to he bled to death on the way to the hospital. I was terrified and I didn't hear otherwise until after I got home from school that day.
12 years

Scariest thing to happen to u?

Well the scariest thing for me was when I was being sexually harassed by a man at a hotel. He kept on asking if I wanted to join him in his room and tried grabbing me. Thankfully someone came by, I walked away (quickly), and reported him to the police. He tried to get me cornered a second time while heading to the restroom but I managed to get out of that too. Thankfully soon after that the police took care of it.

Second scariest thing is whenever I'm near fireworks. I get hysterical when I hear them. I have no idea why.

Third would have to be something that traumatized me for life. I was accused of doing something and spent a month in jail because of it. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I've learned that you're guilty until proven innocent. That whole month was one terrifying moment after another.
12 years

Scariest thing to happen to u?

Scariest things I have ever had happen to me were getting my face bitten by an Abruzzi Mountain Dog, an inch further and I'd be dead.smiley And the second one was getting concussed playing football. It's downright scary not to mention, it sucks when you're exhausted, have a pounding headache and can't go to sleep because you can slip into a coma.smiley
12 years

Scariest thing to happen to u?

Can't really top a lot of these (most of them, actually) but the worst was when I was studying in London. I went to a run-down pub and got offered Ecstasy by an ex-con. He wouldn't let me leave until I had "taken it", and when I basically palmed it, he wouldn't let me leave until he was "sure I was OK". Scariest half hour of my life.
12 years