
What is a bbw or bhm to you?

i dont know if this is in another thread. feel free to remove this if it is.
im just wondering if there is a certain size that defines someone as a BBW or BHM. i was talking to somone last night who askd me if i was a bbw. and i said i didnt know. i think to the average eye i would be considered overweight and my bmi says i am obese but i am unsure if i would be classed as a bbw. is there a certain size, weight or look that you consider to be a BBW or BHM?
12 years

What is a bbw or bhm to you?

To me a bbw is not just any big beautiful woman
Its only those that like know about the scene and are happy with their bodies or want to gain more
but thats just my opinion
I dont think you can say a certain size because everyone is different heights and builds.
12 years

What is a bbw or bhm to you?

To me, BBW is shorthand for any fat woman; likewise, BHM shorthand for any fat man. They're clunky to say, which is why I only really use them in text, and I mainly do so because it's faster to type.

Anything beyond that attached to these labels is, I think, unnecessary and superfluous baggage that serves only to further segregate people.
12 years