
Too skinny in the fa community

Yeah I got this too when I first joined, along with ' you're too big' !
Those people arent really worth giving your attention to, they are usually the kind that only want to cyber haha ! just ignore and delete those messages..unless thats what you like of course lol
but trust me there are heapsss of people that will love your body just the way it is AND love you for you,
you just have to find the good ones haha !
12 years

Too skinny in the fa community

Sadly, many here can make the same mistake with their pushy attitudes in what they want in those they seek. Remember there's plenty more fish in the sea when it comes to friends and the like on here, so if someone's being silly like that, find other people that will be accepting. smiley

Complaints about height before I don't hear anywhere as much about as weight (as GOOD mentioned, guys can be ever demanding about that), though I imagine they'd be present enough. Being tall rocks anyway. smiley
12 years

Too skinny in the fa community

I look at all the comments such as "o baby let me fed u" and laugh, you should do the same smiley
12 years

Too skinny in the fa community

Hmmm....Explain huh?

Well, why bother to sugar coat it.

People are either jealous of you, your body, looks, size and try to make you feel unwelcome or:


I think that pretty much sums it all up. I wouldn't listen to the nay Sayers if I were you!
12 years

Too skinny in the fa community

Unfortunately, we have our share of creeps and jerks, like any community.

I mean "not short enough"? What are you supposed to do, cut off your feet??
12 years

Too skinny in the fa community

I do wonder who these socially inept people are. Like "fatnclassy" said, you wouldn't go up to a girl in a nightclub and say, nice rack (although to do that now for a laugh is tempting). Are the rules for real life that much different to online, it seems to me that people get braver, or more stupid online because they can't be seen, or get a smack in the head.

An image has occured to me that some of these people that have no pictures, or been seen by other members here in public and say such things, is that they could very easily be under age. Those that are not, clearly would have no chance with any woman acting like they do.
12 years