
Terms of endearment

I love calling a growing woman pet names, especially princess related terms like pudgy princess, my fat princess, piggy princess, porky princess etc. I love piggier names too like glutton pig, my fat lazy porker, sow belly, etc, all whispered with desire and love.
It is amazing what words invade our minds and latch onto our sexual desires.
12 years

Terms of endearment

My better half calls me baby girl. I think it's quite cute!
12 years

Terms of endearment

i used to call my ex chicken tender because he liked eating chicken tenders and then because it sounded really cute.

Most of the guys ive been with havnt given me any terms of endearment. i have a frind that calls me pumpkin but thats about it.
12 years

Terms of endearment

I'd love to have someone to whisper pet names to smiley
That being said it would probably be something fitted to who they are, maybe a favorite food, or related to something interesting, in addition to sweetie, baby, honey, cupcake. Something we both found adorable that was related to her. Maybe if they were feisty I could call them my little firecracker smiley hahaha.

I've had some interesting pet names thrown my way though by women I was good friends with. The weirdest one I think I got was child.
12 years

Terms of endearment

Msprettypanties wrote:
I enjoy laying, or sitting on a skinny man that can't move because I am so heavy. Maybe it's a power thing, I'm not sure, but it's fun smiley.

It could be a power thing. I know when my ex sat on my lap at 280 and being 120 lbs heavier than me it would cause my legs to go a little numb. It was a power thing for me. I liked showing her that I could raise her up with only my calves multiple times. Additionally I loved it because all of that fatter body and especially booty she had I helped put there.

More to the topic of the thread. Kitten, hun, chunky monkey, Chunk-a-Butt, but my personal favorite is Babydoll.
12 years