
Whats your favorite movie...

Hands down A League of Their Own. I know that movie word for word lol smiley
13 years

Whats your favorite movie...

13 years

Whats your favorite movie...

Let's just say all the Disney movies that came out in the Nineties.

And the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies that came out in the nineties...

I'm sure there are some others that I can't think of atm <,<
13 years

Whats your favorite movie...

Msprettypanties wrote:
Theres no crying in baseball!
I really liked that ugly chick, she was so sweet.
lol i love marla too. Another movie thats my fave Interview with the Vampire.
13 years

Whats your favorite movie...

90's films?
Jur***ic Park and Toy Story are a favorite.
And of course Episode I of the 2nd Star Wars trilogies.
I also like Cyrano de Bergerac and many 90's films with Jean Reno in them.
13 years

Whats your favorite movie...

Fave from the 90's?

Probably Rounders and Fight Club

I could list a TON of epic movies but I won't get that involved.

All time fave movie though is:

12 years

Whats your favorite movie...

Oh, and lets not forget "Mystery Men" from 1999
12 years

Whats your favorite movie...

Hahha well I was born in the 90s so Im not sure if these movies are from there but these are my favourites I can watch them over and over and basically know them off by heart haha !

Rocky horror picture show
The life of david gale
Pulp fiction
Requiem for a dream
Fight club
12 years

Whats your favorite movie...

I have a few smiley

The Silence of the Lambs (hands down my favourite movie ever)
The Game
American History X
The Usual Suspects

There are more but I can't think right now.
12 years

Whats your favorite movie...

I have too many to list, but if I have to pick. I would choose any of the Evil dead movies. smiley
12 years
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