
Anyone else feel like...

I personally feel like it's a good way to winnow out the people that aren't worth your time. If someone blows up like that *I once had a girl tell me to drop dead because I wouldn't jog in place shirtless for her on cam* they go immediately on my block list, no matter how long I've been chatting with them. Problem solved! smiley
12 years

Anyone else feel like...

And this is why I only talk to Awesome people! haha

Sorry things went the way they did. He is obviously a total Tool Bag that shouldn't be talking to anyone, anywhere....

Heh, forget him!
12 years

Anyone else feel like...

SitiTomato wrote:
"Haters gonna hate"

Too true.
12 years

Anyone else feel like...

hahahaahah Oh my god I had this happen not long ago !
A guy that I had cammed with once goes to me
' Sorry but I don't really want to talk to you if you can't go on cam'
I was like...

are you serious ?
well welcome to Layla-not-talking-to-you-Ville
Population - You

like do they really think thats ok ?
12 years