
Difficult to talk to

GOOD wrote:
Like all good things in life, you have to put in the time to reap the rewards my friend.

You cant make something from nothing.

Maybe try picking a certain time of day or night where you have some down time, and use it to get in the chat and talk to some people. After a couple times of that youll probably meet a few interesting people.

And posting in the forum pretty frequently doesnt hurt.

Who knows!
Ya Good said it pretty good. lol Also if I can make a recommendation, fill out you're profile a little more if you want too. Interest, dating add if you're looking for someone in that way, and if you're not you can still write a lot about yourself in there. Maybe post a pic of yourself or something you like to do. Also like Good said, what you put in is what you get out. So if you try hard enough you will get to meet some interesting people here. smiley
12 years

Difficult to talk to

Eh, I learned if you don't post in the forums, no one will listen to you! ha!

And, there's a chance that even if you do post in here all the time and you are active, people still dont' reply because they get busy. It's real life broski....

I've had a msg in my box for almost two weeks. I feel horrible to have not replied but, if I do have the time to jump on, I check out my peeps on the forums, then get busy with other things..

Hmm, I am now stopping my involvment right now and replying to that msg...

12 years