
Sopa pipa

not sure your opinion of these bills but i believe that any regulation of the internet is to much regulation and we should do as much as possible to stop it. the least you can do is call your representative and see where they stand. censorship has the potential to block the free flow of information through the internet
12 years

Sopa pipa

My opinion in a nutshell. "This sounds like a horrible idea"--Heard from inside of a walnut
12 years

Sopa pipa

justlunatic87 wrote:
I heard that the White house is not really behind this sopa law..

Can't the president of USA just use his VETO against it?

He has, sort of. He refuses to sign off on it as it is:

It's not over though, no. Hollywood/etc will keep trying to work on the thing.

Many people worldwide have voted on petitions against it too:
12 years

Sopa pipa

i believe government interference in the internet is a terrible idea. a free flow of information and ideas is the bases of successful democracy. while this bill dosent set out to stop it. it is setting a horrible precedent that has the oppurtunity to weaken the internet in the future. so what have you done for it? ive called all of my representatives to see where they stand on the bill. you should all do the same. its kind of fun. when was the last time youve called a politicians office for anything? hope you guys have fun
12 years

Sopa pipa

It makes me laugh with agony that one of it's biggest supporters is Rupert Murdoch. This loathsome creature really is the bad guy in "Tomorrow Never Dies". A bill like this would give meglomaniacs like him more power and influence than they already have. I can't think of anyone in the general public that thinks this a good idea, it's the modern day equivilent of the Nazi's burning books.
12 years

Sopa pipa

What a surprise he's a Republican.
12 years

Sopa pipa

found this:

go read.
12 years

Sopa pipa

The president only gets three Veto allowances a year. And he already used one on letting Michael Vick have a pitbull again....

Anyways, I support the Anti-Sopa/Pipa things. I think it's rediculous....

I mean, FF could be shut down because someone posted their favorite music video in the forum!

It will never pass.... nothing to worry about lol
12 years

Sopa pipa

Did I mention, in addition to the loss of American jobs/work....they would also spend MILLIONS on staffing to try and enforce both of these acts?!

Piss on that
12 years

Sopa pipa

[quote]GOOD wrote:

Im betting it would cause a LOT of people working with those big companies and any affiliates to lose their jobs.


Yes, a lot of people in India would lose their jobs.
12 years