
Why do you come here....

I think FF is what ever you want to make of it. I spend time on here in between taxi driving jobs late at night.

Personally I like looking at the pics and videos of all the gorgeous girls, reading stories and attending the meetups. I would go on chat if I knew I wasn't going to get interupted by work, but I can at least post on the forum, so I tend to use this site rather a lot.
12 years

Why do you come here....

It feels like my home away from home.

I don't think i could ever feel more comfortable than i do on this website with the content it has and the wonderful people who make it what it is.

I love you all online family! smiley
12 years

Why do you come here....

I like reading the banter in the forums because of the interesting discussions people come up with. I also come here in the hope that possibly, just possibly someday I'll meet someone from the New England area.
When I was stuck in Okinawa surrounded by the military it was nice to come on and find people that you can relate to...
12 years

Why do you come here....

NyanMuffins wrote:
I understand what you mean, pillow, and I know you don't mean shallow or anything negative by it haha. More don't have to go for somebody here just because it's probably the best you're going to get. You can afford to think about what turns you on here, rather than only bending to another person's wants out of fear you'll end up alone, because fat women aren't accepted in society.

I was the same way when I first joined a couple of years ago. It was nice to find people who didn't just "look past" the fact that I'm fat. They liked that part just as well as my personality ^^

Unfortunately for me (or perhaps ironically), I feel my self esteem has taken a HUGE nosedive on FF. Don't get me wrong, I still love this place, and the people I've befriended here. I just don't do very well in the popularity contest, and I feel like I'm just clinging to this place out of some hope that I'll get that old intensity for it back.

Haha, that whole spiel was getting around to my answer to the original question, I swear! I guess what I'm saying is I'm not sure why I come here anymore. Out of habit, and to see my old friends seems like the closest I can get to the truth right now :]

Many of us do not do well in a popularity contest. But that is not what this is about. I don't know what you are looking for. However, it takes only finding one person as a romantic interest, or a few to be friends. It does not take a majority of the people. Your pictures are very nice, and your personality seems nice from what I have seen in your posts.
12 years

Why do you come here....

the cyber sex lolol
12 years