
Room 101

Another fun discussion type thingy -What aspect of life irritates you? What would you rather live without?

[without going into locked territory obviously]

A few of mine:

- Girls jokingly saying "I'm gonna get so fat"; raising my hopes
- Bathroom attendants in clubs; I don't like being guilted into paying for using the bathroom
- Unspecific labeling; I bought a sausage sandwich, it also contained pickle; not happy
12 years

Room 101

Some mild things that irritate me? Hmm.

- Onions on cheeseburgers. I get nauseous and gag if I eat onions but I love cheeseburgers, haha. I have to pick the onions off.
- The timing of traffic lights. I don't like them going orange at exactly the wrong moment where I have to make a great effort to pull up fast or go over- and this is when I'm doing the speed limit, believe me.
- Cough syrup/etc being advertised as having a lovely banana/raspberry/etc flavour- when they don't. Then they're sickly sweet, not very fruity, and vile.
12 years

Room 101

'You look great! Have you lost weight?' smiley

'Be good!' (in reference to not eating)

I just get annoyed hearing any talk of weight/dieting to be honest, a fatphobic comment usually crops up somewhere and nothing really irritates me more than that.

Football. Or maybe just the fans being on the tube. So loud and busy and they don't even offer me a seat when I look fat and pregnant (or those who genuinely do need a seat!) smiley

Infrequent trains. So many times I've spent 29 minutes waiting in the cold and dark for a train to turn up. That seems petty but 29 minutes is really long in the cold and dark. Oh also not legally being able to smoke when I'm outside on an abandoned platform.

Erm I also hate it when people want to leave or sleep when I want to carry on partying. I would definitely get rid of that too smiley
12 years

Room 101

People who say "yeahyeahyeah" when you're telling them something. Makes them sound so uninterested in what you have to say.

Midges. What is the need for them?

The need for restaurants to serve salad/vegetables with everything. What's the point? I didn't come to eat rabbit food.

People who only like a certain band/TV show because their best friend/partner/family member likes it. Make up your own mind!

Loads more but those are the main ones.
12 years

Room 101

softgirl wrote:
So many times I've spent 29 minutes waiting in the cold and dark for a train to turn up... Oh also not legally being able to smoke when I'm outside on an abandoned platform.

... no wonder you were waiting so long, if the platform was abandoned
12 years

Room 101

BoldBeauty wrote:
Things I Could Do Without:

-Anything with a touch screen


I do not understand the obsession with touch screens; they are the worst idea ever. How does no one see the way the screens get filthy with your fingers constantly tapping on it? I want to be able to see what I’m doing on a computer, not looking at my own fingerprints all over the damn thing.

Fortunately, it shouldn't be long until voice control takes over and touch screens are as dead as keyboards and mice, however, then I fear we’ll have the problem of everyone talking over each other to their computers. :S
12 years

Room 101

I can't stand the show called Big bang theory, being asked for cigarettes and money on the streets, people talking about other peoples weights like its their business and

damn the eco system
12 years

Room 101

- Being approached for money on the street when I'm sitting there eating my lunch, and then being spun some unbelievable lie.

-Chuggers (for those not known its a UK thing of essentially being near mugged by charity campaigners who pressure you in the street

-Chuggers who ask how they could make my day better , just because the easy answer would land me a slap a lot of the time.

-Just Friends - not Friends I hate this when I do try and ask someone out and get told they only want to be friends then after that they won't say a word to you, I'm fine with being just friends if you mean it and its not an excuse to then ignore me.

- People Flirting with me to make someone else jealous, I'm not super great with reading the signs and finding the difference of flirting to make someone jealous and actual flirting with me so when I have been flirting back thinking it could go somewhere and end up putting my foot in it, its annoying to then get the just friends line as I'm so sure I read the signs right.

- Anynone who goes "oh scientists will fix it, do it, because its their job and junk" this annoys me just because the scientists actually working for good don't get some insane wages its normally only the ones who have sold out to big corporations making new hair colours that get the money and on top of that the ones doing something worth while get brushed a side because its just their job.

- Ex's / significant others who play mind games or emotional ones just to get their own way.
12 years

Room 101

Layla wrote:
I can't stand the show called Big bang theory

Thank goodness for that, I thought I was the only one!
12 years

Room 101

Hahaa Heroinchic and Lauren ! I thought I was the only one that didnt like that show ! everyone else I know loves it hahaa
12 years
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