
When did you find out?

I've always been big, but when it comes to being an FA, I could say high school (Later, anyway) but I also think it was a little earlier than that. I remember going on a trip to Waterworld USA at the end of my 8th grade year and seeing some female classmates in bikinis with their guts hanging out. At first, I thought it was gross but after a few minutes, I started to think it was sexy.

Same with the end of my senior year, I went to a water park at the end and saw a couple of classmates in bikinis who happened to have been a little chubby (Or more) and I kind of liked what I saw.
12 years

When did you find out?

I always like curvier women, well ever since I saw Jessica Rabbit in Who Framed Rodger Rabbit. But I didn't realize I was a FA until my one friend asked me when I was 16, what I liked in women. I told her I liked breasts, booty and legs as big and thick as possible. Basically an extreme hourglass figure. She said to me, "Well you know that wouldn't work right. Because the bigger they get they will have some belly." I thought about it for a moment and then replied, "That's fine."

After that I went from breast and booty expansion to total body weight gain and expansion. I eventually grew to enjoy women of all sorts of curves and weights. As for where my feeding fetish and some of my dom/humiliation stuff, I haven't a clue.smiley

The Demolition Man
12 years

When did you find out?

I think I noticed it back when I was 7. I'd daydream about the chubby boys at school and whenever I went to the local swimming pool I'd be watching the heavyset guys with rapt attention. It's been a constant for me that I've never really had to acknowledge. I did find out that I like seeing guys get bigger when I was 11.
12 years

When did you find out?

Sometime in kindergarden. In our plays, I was always mommy which in my mind meant putting some pillows under my shirt. I knew I wanted and was going to be fat and it was only natural then that fat girls belong together with fat boys. I've given up a bit from that later in my life tho, ended up dating even a few skinny guys.
12 years

When did you find out?

phatnhapi wrote:
TheDemolitionMann wrote:
I always like curvier women, well ever since I saw Jessica Rabbit in Who Framed Rodger Rabbit. But I didn't realize I was a FA until my one friend asked me when I was 16, what I liked in women. I told her I liked breasts, booty and legs as big and thick as possible. Basically an extreme hourglass figure. She said to me, "Well you know that wouldn't work right. Because the bigger they get they will have some belly." I thought about it for a moment and then replied, "That's fine."

After that I went from breast and booty expansion to total body weight gain and expansion. I eventually grew to enjoy women of all sorts of curves and weights. As for where my feeding fetish and some of my dom/humiliation stuff, I haven't a clue.smiley

The Demolition Man

Very nice you came to that conclusion Demolition Man.... that you liked your women fat everywhere. Not personally into the dom/hum thing but the weight gain thing .. oh yea ... lol

Yeah, I eventually got there. I still love some large breasts on a lady as well as a big booty and thick legs. But a sexy belly and cute round face are great in my opinion as well. There have been times that I have been attracted to petite women that have lots of curves and really work them though.

But typically, I like the softness everywhere. Makes one of the reasons why I use my username easier to do. LOLsmiley

I haven't a clue where the domination aspect came from either. Never really was my thing until about a year ago. I try to have a relationship of equality with a woman. That's how I believe it should be in my opinion. But dominating, stuffing and maybe a touch of humiliation, I haven't a clue as to where that came from. I will say that my partner has to be into it and enjoy it for me to do it.

The Demolition Man
12 years

When did you find out?

As with many others who are more on the feederism-side, I remember being strangely excited of anything that contained excess. I'm pretty sure this was when I was like 6 or 7 years old.

I started writing my first wg stories (with pen & paper) when I was 12. Also did a lot of drawings (what would be called morphs now).

Then in 1995 I got internet and found dims and and knew I'm at home lol. Also then I got a name for what I am although it took many many years before I was willing to identify as a feeder because of then I didn't know that being a feeder doesn't mean you can't be a decent, caring person also.

So at least for me, this stuff is "built-in" lol
12 years

When did you find out?

i think i always kinda knew it cause i always took a particular interest in big people when i was a kid, but it wasn't until i was 16 and started dating a bigger guy that i realized how much i was physically and sexually attracted to it. now, those are the only kind of guys i wanna date!
12 years