
Tlc obese show.

BoldBeauty wrote:
<start rant>
Personally, I am SICK and TIRED of weightloss shows, and fat-shaming!

I don't understand why they dont believe you can be FAT AND HEALTHY. You can also be THIN and UNHEALTHY. Thin does not mean healthy, or in better condition.
The media, and population in general needs to realize EVERY BODY IS BEAUTIFUL.

When I was younger, I was anorexic. I would live on diet pills, laxatives, and caffiene. I would excercise until I passed out, and still never felt thin enough. When I got diagnosed with MS I realized F@&$ it, there's more to life than some BS media ideal of beauty. Be yourself, live, laugh and love. Let the critics talk, and keep on keepin' on, with a smile on your face. Most of all love yourself for who you are, and never take a day for granted, and never wish you were someone else.

I think shows like that are a negative influence on our society and cause more problems, than they do inspire people.
</end rant>

I want to hug you and say, in the immortal words of Bette Midler, "You're beautiful, you're beautiful, you're beautiful, Damnit!"
12 years

Tlc obese show.

First of all for the weight lose shows, if someone wants to lose weight I'm cool with that. I'll even help them do it. I don't mind at all. If you aren't comfortable in your own skin, things are just no fun.

Additionally, I think that from a business standpoint it makes a great deal of sense to cash in on this while you can. Considering that this country (the USA) is the fattest country in the world and we are extremely conscious about it. Use fat-phobia to generate profit for you and your sponsor, which are drug and supplement companies, gym chains, perhaps chefs and their restraunts. Also it generates willing volunteers and creates it's own circle of profit. Sit-down in front of the tube and watch fat people work out and all that. You'll either be inspired to work out (most likely the thinner viewers), or you'll be more likely to eat and watch what's going on and enjoy the show, while getting all the fatter.

However, for those of us who are comfortable in our own skin, they should back the hell up. Like BoldBeauty said there is no need for the fat shaming and whatnot that takes place on some of these shows. Why do it there? Don't fat people and FAs get ridiculed enough as it is? It especially grinds my gears when beauties like Kat Dennings, Christina Hendricks, Adele and Elizabeth Taylor are called "fat." That's just stupid society mumbo jumbo crap there. Just because your flat as a board or giant rockhard muscle mountain of a body is getting you less attention than a woman or man with curves who actually enjoys eating you wish hurt upon them? smiley Come my then and I'll show you why I'm The Demolition Man.smiley Let people be how they want to be. So they have some curves and're supposed to. Countless models die because of having no body fat, and believe it or not it's why the Great Bruce Lee died in my opinion. And he was probably more fit than half the goobs telling people to lose weight.

Well there's my piece. Have a good day all. I have to get to class.

The Demolition Man
12 years

Tlc obese show.

BoldBeauty wrote:
OniGumo wrote:

I want to hug you and say, in the immortal words of Bette Midler, "You're beautiful, you're beautiful, you're beautiful, Damnit!"

*HUGS* Your So Sweet smiley

N'awwww x3

You and Demolition Man said it best. Fat-phobic people and fat-shaming are two things that are sure to get my hackles raised.

I just don't see the point in all the blind vitriol.
12 years