
Fas out and about

fatnclassy wrote:
I completely understand you guys, but just don't be shy if you do go out! Us fat ladies need some attention when we're out once and a while smiley

Closet FA's aside, I don't think the guys are shy cause you're fat, they're just shy in general with any and every female they encounter, at least thats how it is for me. :$
12 years

Fas out and about

fatnclassy wrote:
I think I actually see these things a lot. I mean, as a girl, when a guy looks at me a certain way I know he's attracted to be, but he's afraid to say anything. I think that if it wasn't this huge social pressure it would be far less of a girl. I also happened to be slightly over confident and friendly, which really scares off some shyer, less intense people.

But I also agree that there are so many factors. I guess I'm just complaining., but it's something I've always wondered about so I'm always interested to hear it from the man's side.

You do realize that if you know they are attracted to you, you could always approach them.

Not hating, just sayin'.
12 years

Fas out and about

fatnclassy wrote:
Sketchman, you are completely right, I just wish it was that simple. Even though I am fairly confident, my rare "fat girl insecurities" tend to rear their ugly heads in these situations. I also go to a university with a huge bro culture, and fat chicks are a major social no no (bullshit, I know). They'll admire my fatty lady parts and touch me in a weird way while when they can, but they would never approach me. It sucks.

But maybe when I'm out Saturday I'll follow your advice smiley

GO FOR IT! If the reason why they aren't approaching you is because they are afraid what their friends will think though, they aren't worth it. Good luck with your hunt!
12 years

Fas out and about

the16th6toothson wrote:
*** Now say Miss 320 AllAboutLookingFANTASTICBEYONDCOMPREHENSION walks past him at the local mall.

he ain't gonna ask for her number

This is what I like about the US society. People start to talk to strangers much more easily. Where I live, society is much more closed and people don't start talking to strangers unless there is a good cause for it. You would get a "you weirdo" look. If I am in a situation where I can start up a conversation I certainly do, but unfortunately I very rarely meet a nice big women that way.
12 years

Fas out and about

Italy is in the south of Europe, and especially the Italians have a reputation of being womanizers. smiley Not sure whether you will find many open FAs though. For what it is worth, the Italian stereotype of beauty is a blond, small-waisted, big-busted bimbo. Their ex-prime minister was "leading" by example... smiley
12 years

Fas out and about

THIS. I have to concur with the16th6toothson. Having a shy personality in general sucks (especially at school, work, or in public when your having a group presentation) but even more so when trying to meet girls in public whether thin or fat. I think part of my problem is I don't get out enough to begin with anyways. When your a big computer nerd who spends most of his time indoors working on his system or fixing something or other it doesn't leave that much time for socializing. Even worse most of my friends are computer nerds as well so it becomes real difficult to meet many new people. By the time the end of the day rolls around and your tired from work, school, etc, as your on the way home the last thing your thinking about is interacting with others; it's kind of a "let me stay in my bubble mentality". I suggest to my friends that we go out and do more but most of them never want to.
the16th6toothson wrote:
too many variables and x factors here to give a solid study answer.

i will say though, that i am the type that if someone is lookin' EXTRA spectacular, if its remarkable hair, impeccable fashion sense, a sweet swagger, an obvious abundance of confidence or sometimes maybe even just a rockin' handbag i will tell them.
someone deserves to be told if they look totally KILLER - even if they get told often anyway!

but it's taken me all of these years to be comfortable in my own skin to be that forward.

think of your average (key word-AVERAGE) early 20's FA who maybe at most has kissed a girl who's "not skinny", who has ALWAYS had a group of friends who made fun of the fat girls who and who still can't even be Mr Cool...Dr Martini Von PerfectTeeth around a gal who's 160, let alone one who might be what he desires at *shrug* i dunno 320
Now say Miss 320 AllAboutLookingFANTASTICBEYONDCOMPREHENSION walks past him at the local mall.

he ain't gonna ask for her number
he's going to stare in disbelief and WISH he knew what to even say.

i was that guy 10 years ago.
we/they are out there. but unfortunately most of them are still in a stage of shellshock and will be for a little while still.
12 years

Fas out and about

Up to the age of about 22-23 I certainly did stay rather closeted, although usually ended up with the fat girl in a group of girls, but after that I made it very clear to even my friends that is what I prefered. Since then I was much more likely to compliment a larger girl than a slim one. Now when driving my taxi, or just out in public where I live, I am always complimenting larger women when there is a chance to talk to them.

Not long ago a woman got into my cab who looked gorgeous, we got talking and she said something about her son at high school, which puzzled me. I said to her that she must have had him at a very young age. She then said he was 17 and she was 40, in great surprise I told her I thought she was only about 28 (I really did think she was that young) and how stunning she looked. She could tell I meant it too, I think I made her day saying that. Shame the ride to her destination was a fairly short one.
12 years

Fas out and about

Back when I was single I was not one to approach a BBW out in a public forum.

I met my wife eight years ago on a dating website specifically for BBWs and FAs.

The best part about BBW dating sites is that everyone is there for the same reason.

While FF is a great resource for fat-related content, it's my suggestion to any singles looking for "the one" to join one or more bbw dating sites.
12 years