
Female burping and belching

You are far from the only one that likes this.
Heappppsss of guys love a fat girl burping because its like a sign of indulgence and gluttony i guess.
anyway yeah youre not the only one

but no Im not going to upload a video of me burping lolol
12 years

Female burping and belching

You know in some cultures it's considered the polite thing to burp. It means you appreciated and liked the meal (it was tasty). As far as is it cool, in our group of friends we burp and think nothing of it (including the girls), but more than anything I'd probably be weirded out if a stranger did it.
12 years

Female burping and belching

y2kboris1 wrote:
You know in some cultures it's considered the polite thing to burp.

"In some cultures" is a poor barometer, because in some cultures amputation and genital mutilation are approved forms of punishment.

That said, it definitely isn't a turn off to hear a girl burping after or during a big meal.
12 years

Female burping and belching

is there a difference between a burp and a belch?

Though I will say - I'm a fan

Probably cause of the indulgence thing, but the hanging with the guys is cool too
12 years