
Secret fa's

I can see why feedees can be "in the closet." I mean, obviously that is more deviant and out there than just being an FA.

I do not understand though when people are closet about liking bigger women. It's only a preference. If people do not like your preference, who cares? People may think that's weird for like 10 seconds, then go on with their lives. You may be picked on it a bit, but again... Who cares? I bet the people that will pick on you about it for a while don't actually care, they just want to tease you a bit. It's what guys do, make fun of each other for stupid shit we don't actually care about.

It's cool BRAHHHH!
12 years

Secret fa's

I've always dated chubby girls, and my dad was always on my back and asking me if I could get them to diet. I never was with a skinny girl. Dad figured out at I was an FA without saying anything, I told my close friends when I was in my early 20's, and now nearing 30, have only told a handful of my workmates.
My mum is very judgmental, which can really tear me up inside, and although my wife is fat, she's had a go at me about that, but doesn't say much to my wife on the matter. She tries to tell me some of my friends are freaks and crap like that when it's quite the opposite. But I am quite open and honest to those that don't judge. I'm not as secretive about being an FA as I used to be, but I think this site has helped me accept things.
12 years
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