
How do you deal with it?

Im not even that big and I get young guys yelling things out at me from cars like ' fat bitch'
which for one is funny
like yes Im fat
but you cant tell if im a bitch or not haha

but anyway, yeah I used to get it at 60 kilos aswell, one time me and my sister were out walking and someone yelled out ' keep walking fatty' but luckily I had seen them approaching and just had a feeling so I was able to throw my full water bottle at their window and it cracked hahaaaa

so I would suggest either wearing earphones and then when it happens completely ignore it so they think you havent even heard, pull the finger at them and throw a rock at the car or just ignore it and think about how funny it is that this loser and his friends actually thinks he is cool for yelling something out of a car to someone.

as for in public, I take that to mean people saying things to you face to face. Ive never really had that happen but my god If I did I would go OFF at them , something along the lines of ' did you really just comment on my weight as if it has anything to do with you? and then lots of insults

ohhh I almost wish someone would do this now just so I can tell them off haha

also if someone said something reallyyyy mean to me I would probably just punch them square in the face.
12 years

How do you deal with it?

Layla wrote:
Im not even that big and I get young guys yelling things out at me from cars like ' fat bitch'
which for one is funny
like yes Im fat
but you cant tell if im a bitch or not haha

but anyway, yeah I used to get it at 60 kilos aswell, one time me and my sister were out walking and someone yelled out ' keep walking fatty' but luckily I had seen them approaching and just had a feeling so I was able to throw my full water bottle at their window and it cracked hahaaaa

so I would suggest either wearing earphones and then when it happens completely ignore it so they think you havent even heard, pull the finger at them and throw a rock at the car or just ignore it and think about how funny it is that this loser and his friends actually thinks he is cool for yelling something out of a car to someone.

as for in public, I take that to mean people saying things to you face to face. Ive never really had that happen but my god If I did I would go OFF at them , something along the lines of ' did you really just comment on my weight as if it has anything to do with you? and then lots of insults

ohhh I almost wish someone would do this now just so I can tell them off haha

also if someone said something reallyyyy mean to me I would probably just punch them square in the face.

to bad theres no like button like facebook as i do like this post
12 years

How do you deal with it?

BurgerQueen wrote:
"OMG! I hope she left us something to eat!" and the others were laughing because they found his comment 'oh soooo' funny.
Directly after his comment, i put my plate on the table. Point my finger at him and said "Look, Sonia, he's one of those Justin Bieber wannabe!" Even his stupid friends were laughing.

hahahahhahahah this is classic ! good job !
thats the thing! we cant take this shit lying down !
if people are mean to us we have to be mean back and show them we wont stand for this shit !!
I bet you that guy will think twice before making another comment like that to someone else !!
12 years

How do you deal with it?

rogue wrote:
FluffyMcMittens wrote:
And by -it- i mean being insulted in public and loudly by passers by about your weight. I would have been more up front but the title has a word limit.

I had this happen twice to me today and for the first time in AGES I feel terrible about myself. I've noticed people staring ever since the first incident and i'm really not coping with the reality that's just hit me of how i stand out to people who in turn judge and insult me.

So what do you guys do to get past it? =/

I know how you feel. It used to affect me a lot! I would start crying as soon as they were not in sight anymore, then I'd go home and cry a lot more, feel completely worthless, really hate myself and be really depressed for days etc.
Now it still bothers me but only momentarily. I had to develop a sort of defence mechanism where I would keep repeating in my head "it doesn't bother me. I don't care. Forget the whole incident and especially the comments!". After a while this process started happening automatically. Comments like that go in one ear and out the other. I must admit that it became easier the more I was accepting myself and the fact that nobody is for everybody. Fat or thin, tall or short, gay or straight, man or woman, etc.
I don't know if it's called getting a thick skin, but I find that as long I'm ok with me and who/how I am, it doesn't affect me all that much what strangers might think of me. I've started getting to the point where not even family's/friend's "disapproval" affects me anymore.
Love YOU unconditionally* and that love will help "bounce" most of outside negativity straight off smiley

* I had to do that when the realisation hit that no one can or will ever love me as much as I wanted/needed... but I could. So I did.

P.S. Maybe you should ignore all the above and just watch this -> smiley
Great video, trouble is when ever anyone says something cruel, it's always 10 minutes later when you think of something witty to say.

I do also sometimes wonder when I see a fat girl I fancy, just in passing in the street, whether she thinks I'm just looking at her with disdain, when it's actually admiration.
12 years

How do you deal with it?

For what it's worth, more comebacks here:
12 years