
Do fa's make better bfs?

Sumochickfan wrote:
I agree the only thing though is they can cheat on a fatter woman then you. But I'm a 1 woman kinda guy.

It's nice that you're the exception to the rule with all those FAs who will gladly ditch their current partner for someone fatter. Lord knows that we can't control our urges and sexual desires, and won't be satisfied until we've attained the golden throne of sexing the fattest women in the world. I commend you on rising above this primal instinct.
12 years

Do fa's make better bfs?

GOOD wrote:
Do you honestly TRY to only respond to things when you see a chance to do so with a heavy dose of rudeness and sarcasm?

Bravo! Being able to make snarky remarks to someone hundreds of miles away, while hiding behind a computer is very brave of you.

I do it mostly to bait people into riding their high horses into threads so that I can mock them behind their backs.
12 years

Do fa's make better bfs?

Murphy wrote:
Sumochickfan wrote:
I agree the only thing though is they can cheat on a fatter woman then you. But I'm a 1 woman kinda guy.

It's nice that you're the exception to the rule with all those FAs who will gladly ditch their current partner for someone fatter. Lord knows that we can't control our urges and sexual desires, and won't be satisfied until we've attained the golden throne of sexing the fattest women in the world. I commend you on rising above this primal instinct.
Watch out, or you'll become a bigger cynic than me. Personally my dick says I love fat girls, but what they do with their body is up to them. Reality says anyone who will allow me is fair game LOL. I do have standards, but at my age you really can't be too picky. Would I make a better boyfriend because I'm an FA, doubt it, but I might make a better lover.
12 years

Do fa's make better bfs?

Layla wrote:
I don't know if FAs would make better boyfriends and I might not ever because I think you're right there is a difference between FAs and feeders and I am really only interested in the latter.

I fall into both categories,sadly in my opinion not a good FA,so am avoiding getting involved too deeply any moresmiley
12 years

Do fa's make better bfs?

I think FAs certainly have a much higher chance of being a good/better boyfriend.

It has to have something to do with the fact that not everyone one of our current or past girlfriends are "fat" or fill that "fetish" role.

We are still sexually attracted to them even though they aren't our usual or desired "size". Over time this probably teaches us to look deeper than the sexual impression made on us by our significant others. Instead we fall in love or become infatuated with their personalities, quirks and intelligence.

This process no doubt leads to seeing inherent value in a woman, and when we get that "fat" girl it makes it all that easier to value her as a very sexy albeit very fat wholesome woman.

That explanation might seem like a snap, but I post sparingly so I need to make an impression. smiley
12 years

Do fa's make better bfs?

S13drifter wrote:
I think a FA would work best if the big girl they are dating is happy with her size and self. If she hates they way she looks then an non-FA is the type of guy she needs. Thats my general answer
I suppose if the big girl has so many issues with her weight that she cannot bear being touched then yes a non FA would be better. However, if it is more of just a dislike, then the FA could easily make her feel great with touches of affection in public as well as at home. To show any girl that you are proud to be with her is a very strong positive and can make that girl feel like a beauty queen, no matter what her size.
12 years

Do fa's make better bfs?

Allthough it sounds all noble and that, I somewhat disagree. Physical attraction plays a major role in a relationship. Personally I am attracted to big girls and I could not imagine having a relationship with a skinny girl. It just would not work.
12 years

Do fa's make better bfs?

If two men are EXACTLY the same, same looks, same personality, same everything
except one is a fat admirer
then yes that one is going to be a better boyfriend for a fat girl, simply because when she gets naked he is going to be turned on and the other isnt.

You can aruge it as much as you like but the fact is if a guy prefers slim women he wont be turned on by a 300 lb womans body, sure he might be turned on by her breasts or the things she doing or saying but not her actual body. He might be in love with her for her personality but hes not going to look at her belly and think GOD DAMN and get a hard on like a fat admirer will.

I personally would hate to be in a relationship with someone that ONLY loves me for me and deep down would prefer it if I lost some weight.

Its basically the same as asking, if two women are exactly the same except one is fat and you are a fat admirer
which ones going to make the better girlfriend ?
obviously if you prefer fatties the fat one is better because shell turn you on.
12 years

Do fa's make better bfs?

There are plenty of awful FA b/f's and you don't have to worry about non-FA's being in the closet haha
12 years
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