
Right back at em

ok so we all know how mean strangers can be to us fatties

but most of the time people either are too embrassed or upset to say anything back or dont have a chance, like when the cowards yell stuff out of cars !

now the other day I was at the shops in the beauty section trying on foundations when these two thin girls that were not attractive in the least came by and looked at me and then one of them goes to her friend
' why would you even bother ? '

and I turned straight around and said ' I think the exact same thing when I see people with faces like yours exercising !! why even bother ? '

they were pretty shocked too that some fat girl had stood up to them hahah you should have seen the look on the girls face LOL

now obviously i know people exercise for all different reasons, that beauty is subjective and that I was fighting negativity with negativity but I just couldnt ignore it, and even though I personally love humiliation, I know that not many others do, so If I didnt say something how am I to know theyre not going to go and do it to someone else.. maybe it will be my sister.. or my mum !

So now I want to hear about the times when people have been mean about your weight and youve been mean right back !!
12 years

Right back at em

hahaha thats awesome.
so my sister often will take my clothes without asking and it bothers me coz i cant do the same back as she is a size or 2 smaller. anyway the other day i was complaining to my dad who said "maybe you should lose weight so you can fit into her clothes" i just laughed and said "maybe she should gain weight and get new clothes to share with me." he laughed and we went on with our own business. it was good.
12 years

Right back at em

hahah cutnchubby thats so funny ! its always good to make jokes like that because then they start to see that you really dont want to lose weight and are happy with your body, I find anyway haha

hahha and Violette that is awesome !!
good on you, those guys sound like serious douchebags and now they'll probably think twice before they insult strangers !

and yeah we might have stooped somewhat to their level, but not ALL the way down because we didnt decide it would be hilarious to taunt a random stranger.... we just retaliated.
12 years

Right back at em

Right on ladies. Fight fire with fire. Standing up to rude, ignorant losers is a great way to gain respect and boost self-esteem. I personally find confidence and assertiveness very sexy, and I think most guys would agree.
12 years

Right back at em

BurgerQueen wrote:
" I was like you before but I lost weight, thanks to weightwatchers."

You should have said: "If you were really like me you'd never have joined weight watchers!"
12 years