
Whats turns you off

SergeantSarcasm wrote:
Adding to mine, this is more of a dislike than turn off.

Overly sexist lesbians

You know the kind who go OUT of their way just to belittle men or say something rude OR always find something to complain about like "Touch screens are so men! It's disgusting its perfect for them so they can imagine touching us"

God I wish the world was without them.

In my little friendship group we have a couple of extremely militant feminist lesbians.
Now, when I say militant feminist, I mean they pretty much forbid any of the male members of the group to make any kind of superficial observational comment regarding the fairer sex without a fair amount of chastising.
Of course their standards don't apply to themselves when they blurt out things like .... "Look at the funbags on that one!"

12 years

Whats turns you off

I think the biggest turn off is a mouth full of rotten,broken teeth,I mean no slur on those who have dental phobias,but those who just can't be bothered.

After that it must be BBWs/SSBBWs who wear passion killer underwear
I used to date a beautiful SSBBW who used to to make her own sexy undies,in the absence of said garments for 500lb plus ladies,and with great success too !!
12 years

Whats turns you off

mollybloom wrote:
Not proud to admit this, but I once broke up with a guy after seeing his unkempt hobgoblin feet, *shudder*. Feet are KEY!

Beyond the physical: anyone who seems unwilling or unable to feel small in the world, reflect, and laugh at their foolishness, even after pain.

God is that too serious? Hardly first date chat, is it?

People change though. I've done/been all the things listed above (save beardy/smelly.. and my feet are nice).. I've lost love to them! But we move through, don't we?

Still. If you don't look after your feet, I'll lose my lady boner!


What do you define as 'hobgoblin' feet?

Yay for being able to laugh at ourselves... only thing that keeps me sane some days! smiley
12 years

Whats turns you off

People who are inconsiderate, vain or arrogant definitely turn me off. I like people with good personal hygiene. Maybe this goes without saying, but I don't think that I could make things work with a skinny girlsmiley
12 years

Whats turns you off

Apart from the usual bad hygiene and people who are wishy-washy, my biggest turn-off is people who want to argue or debate anything. I know it isn't as big of a deal as other things, but I want to spend time with someone having a good time, not arguing about anything and everything.
12 years

Whats turns you off

12 years

Whats turns you off

Hygiene is a pretty good one, at least try to look you are putting in some effort and care about yourself.

But for me it's smoking and tattoos on certain parts of the body. I can't stand smokers, go kill yourself away from me please. And the smoke that you breathe out is twice as bad and I don't want it in me. I wouldn't have a problem is drinkin was like smokin, but go about spraying alcohol on people.

And tattoos on breasts and booties completely turn me off. I don't know why though.
12 years

Whats turns you off

Rushing into things. I love to tease and work my way there.
12 years

Whats turns you off

It's alive....ALIVE!!

turn offs:

people that aren't open minded enough to accept other peoples life styles and condemn them for it.
people that feel they need to tell others how they should live.
smoking cigarettes.
having a penis.
people that lie to please others
12 years

Whats turns you off

Arrogance is a big turn off for me, i don't mind confidence but when people act like they are superior or talk down to others, i just want to give them a backhand.
Being unable to compromise is another. In my personal opinion a relationship should be an equal partnership and i cannot stand people who are incapable of at least compromising a little.
Lacking hygiene is also another big turn off for me, i don't mind people being scruffy. Since i'm guilty of having off days when it comes to dressing the part. But body odour and other general unpleasantness is completely disgusting to me.
12 years
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